mista gets ringworm

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One day, when Mista is going to meet Giorno for dinner, he sees a stray cat. He decides to leave it for now, since he's already late by like 10 minutes. While he's walking back home with Giorno after their date, Mista stops at the store to get cat food. When he gets back to the cat, he gives it food and water. The cat seems friendly, so Mista brings it home. What a dumbass. It turns out the cat had ringworm, so when Mista grabbed it to carry it home, and it rubbed against his face, the ringworm spread. Of course, Mista's too stupid to notice it, so when he goes to give Giorno a kiss, he gives him ringworm too. Then Giorno beats Mista's ass yet again because he's an absolute idiot.

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