Chapter 1

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I woke up surrounded by grass. Laying in the middle of an opening, I sensed I was not on the plane anymore. I sat up to see a blur of green but dizziness consumed me. A warm weight around my waist held me to the ground. I realized it was an arm. An arm attached to a boy with fair hair. I wondered who this boy was and how I got here but then I remembered...

Three Hours Earlier

"Miss, please just get on this plane" said the very stressed flight attendant at the boarding area. She huffed in annoyance at my self-inflicted situation, "They are both going the same way".

That day my boarding school, J. Hartford Academy for Young Ladies, had all its students evacuated. We were taken to the airport in hopes of our safety as our country was in the midst of a war. The day already felt long, as I had a restless night because we had to stay the night at Scott's Boarding Academy for Boys. Both schools forced their students to the airport, each with a small suitcase in hand. We had been sitting in the terminal for what felt like forever. The crowded room was full of the screaming and laughter of children. My head was spinning with worry about my situation, so feeling stressed and homesick I decided to call my aunt. The call took much longer than necessary, as she burned my ear off with her concern and well wishes. Finally saying my final goodbye, I hung up. And that is when I noticed that only maroon sweaters filled the terminal and the blue ones, similar to mine had disappeared. In a panic, I ran up to the stewardess and that is when she informed me that all the girls' planes had already taken off. I would have to go with the boys. Embarrassed from missing my flight, I sighed in defeat. "Fine, I shall go with them. Thank you for your patience."

"Thank you, Miss for your understanding. How 'bout I let you board first?" I nodded in agreement. "Have a safe flight", she sang smiling at last.

The plane was small and cramped. Rows of two-lined the walls and it looked like only 50 or so people could fit. I decided that due to my inconvenience the window seat of the first row would be mine. Loud voices echoed into the plane, as my flight companions rushed on. And feeling the headache coming, I braced myself for a very long flight. All the boys came on the plane in a stampede. First to stampede in was a horde of young and the others who walked behind were about my age. Suddenly, the maroon sweatered boys were pushed away by the black robes of a group of choir boys. The tallest, who I assumed was the leader, wore a hat. He marched proudly onto the plane with an authoritarian look. Surveying his newest domain, he noticed me. He pushed aside the younger boys in the aisle and sat down upon the open seat next to me.

"Hello. I am Jack Merridew. I am 17. I am the head of the choir and I can sing a C sharp. Who are you?" he inquired. The boy had dirty red hair and freckles that scattered across his stiff cheeks. The appearance of stubble shaded his chin and his strong lips held a tight smile.

"I am Audrey Clarence. I am 17 also.", I stated, giving this attractive boy my best smile. His dark brown eyes surveyed my body just as he did to the plane. I couldn't tell what he was thinking. "Oh yes", he said. "I know! You were walking around last night trying to find the girl's bathroom. I knew I remember that face."

"Yes, that was me." I blushed a little at the thought of a boy remembering me. It was true. Last night was awful. I was homesick and had trouble falling asleep and I decided I needed to use the restroom. But the only choice was male, and to my dismay I had to wander for about 20 minutes before I came upon a female one.

"Yes, my friends and I were remarking on your very see-through nightgown. I must say, I liked what I saw." I was stunned, how could he say something like that. As soon as those words left his thin lips, all the attraction to him left my mind. I had no response to this remark but he didn't seem bothered by my reaction."Don't worry Audrey, I won't tell anyone else." He smiled devilishly. "It will be our little secret." He picked up one of my pieces of blackish-brown hair and started to twirl it around his thin pointer finger. He was leaning in like he was going to whisper something in my ear, but someone interrupted.

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