Chapter 2

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Previously: Rushing out of the jungle to the sound of the conch, the boys surrounded us in a circle upon the beach. But as soon as they reached us their gaze went to the other end of the shoreline. A massive dark figure walked down the beach. I could feel some of the boys stop in fear, wondering what this shadow could possibly be. It approached slowly and as it came closer, I realized it was not just a dark mass, but the choir in their robes. Led none other than Jack, who under his hat had a devilish smile plastered upon his face.

As they got closer, Jack halted them. "Where is the man with the trumpet?" he asked.

"There is no man. We are having a meeting will you do us the honor of joining us?" Ralph asked, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. The choir began to shift but Jack yelled back "Choir stand still!"

He then rushed over towards me. "Hello, darling! I am glad to see you are ok." He smiled and put one of his long arms around my squirmed in my arms until I put him down. He stayed next to me, but he moved cautiously away from Jack, towards Ralph. The choir made groaning noises and Jack yelled, "Alright sit." A boy fell to the ground, fainting. Jack barely even acknowledged him. Piggy, who had asked all the assembled boys their names did not dare to ask the choir. Ralph then started the meeting, "We have got to decide about being rescued. It seems we ought to have a chief to decide things."

"I should be chief," Jack, said, "I am the head of the choir and I can sing a C sharp."

"What does that have to do with being chief?" I mumbled. Ralph heard, grinning knowingly at me."We should vote." A dark-haired boy said. He had this look about him that made me uncomfortable. "Let's vote!" Piggy said. I knew that Jack was a good choice because he was an oblivious leader. But there was something about him that made me cautious. "Him with the shell!" someone yelled. Others yelled out in agreement. "All right," Piggy said, "Who wants Jack for chief?" The choir raised their hands obediently. Jack looked around with a worried look on his face. His eyes settled on me, it was like he was pleading for my vote. I gave him a sorry look back. "Who wants Ralph?" Almost everyone raised his hand, but to make Jack feel better I did not. Instead I tried to busy myself, by picking up Johnny again.

Ralph continued, "So I guess I am chief then."

"Jack you can have the choir." Jack's jealousy showed, but he smiled at that thought.

"We could be the army and protect everyone." Jack looked at me when he said that. "Or the hunters," Ralph suggested.

"Hunters!" Jack said "All right, choir you can take off the togs." The boys sighed in relief and took off their black togs.

"I will take them we can use them for blankets," I said. Jack gathered them from the choir and handed them to me but he did not leave my side.

"Listen, everyone, I have got to have time to think before we do anything. If this is an island we might need to be rescued right away. So we have to find out if this is an island or not. Three of us will go. I will go and Jack and...Simon will come too."

A skinny boy, with very straight black hair, stood up and many of the boys giggled. Ralph walked over to Piggy and me. "Can you two stay and watch the littluns?"

I nodded but Piggy looked a little sad. Ralph pulled me aside.

"Don't worry. I won't be gone for long. Is it alright if you stay?" he said.

"It is fine. I don't mind. This one has been stuck to me for a long time." I motioned to the sleeping Johnny in my arms. "He has the right idea," Ralph mumbled.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I will be back soon." He squeezed my hand, then left. Jack walked over to me after.

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