Chapter 3

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I woke up to Johnny tickling me and Ralph playing with my hair.

"Good morning Audi!" Johnny said and he got up.

"Hi," I said to Ralph.

"Hi," he said back.

A shadow came over us and Jack stared looking very annoyed, "Would you two get up and get your hands off of her." Jack pulled me up and away from Ralph. He put a protective arm around my waist. Ralph called a meeting and told the boys that we were going to go to the plane to examine the damage and grab our luggage. Just like the night before Jack yelled, "Follow me boys!" and he took me by the hand and lead the boys to the plane. I looked back at Ralph, who was stunned, and mouthed, "help me!" He didn't seem to notice but Piggy did and he laughed at me. When we made it to the plane, Jack said that the choir and I were going to go into the plane and grab the luggage. Everyone else would stay outside a distance away from the plane and wait until we brought the luggage back out for them to take it to the meeting spot. I went in and went straight to the back to see if there was any food in it. I saw a couple of bags of pretzels and chips, so I grabbed a trash bag and started to cleanout. Suddenly, I felt hands on my waist and I was going to scream but the person put their hand on my mouth. He turned me around and Roger was standing before me.

"Don't worry beautiful, I'm not going to hurt ya." He said in a dark voice. "I just came to ask you a question." He lowered his hand from my mouth and put the hand to his lips.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"I wanted to know who you're with. Jack or the chief?"

"What?" I almost yelled.

"Who are ya with? Or are ya with nobody?"

"Nobody," I shot back "I don't belong to anybody."

"Ok, so in that case, you can be mine." I was shocked but before I could do anything he planted a kiss on my neck. I liked the way it felt but I hated it was Roger doing this to me. I pushed him off. "I'll see you around beautiful." And he left.

I fished packing up the food and went to go find my bag. It was still in the second row where I sat with Ralph. I smiled thinking about our fun three hours together and grabbed my bag. "Audrey?" I heard Jack say, "Come here."

I threw my bag and the trash bag filled with food out the door and went to find Jack. He was in the cockpit and so was the dead pilot. "Roger took everyone back to the beach 10 minutes ago, but you were still working," he said. I looked at the pilot and Jack stepped in front of him and me. "Don't look at that." He ordered. It was hard not to but I tried my best. "Did you find anything?" I asked.

"Well the radio is busted, so there is no hope in calling anyone. And since the pilot is dead we don't know if he made any calls before the plane went down. I don't think anyone knows we are here. All they know is that we left and we never landed. I hope they will send a search party or something but with the war going on I highly doubt that." Jack told me.

"Are you telling me that we might be stuck on this island forever?" I asked

"Yes." He whispered, "But I will be here to protect you, Audrey."

"I don't need to be protected by you!" I said storming out of the plain in tears. What would happen to us? Would we all die on the island? I couldn't stand the thought of dying on this miserable island. Jack raced after me, "Audrey? Did I do something to upset you? I simply offered to protect you, and I thought you being the only girl on the island would love that."

"Just leave me alone Jack."

"How can I possibly do that?" He stepped in front of me stopping me in my tracks. "Audrey you are surrounded by a bunch of teenage boys, you are vulnerable. I will protect you." He stepped in the gap that separated us. He reached out to touch me and moved a piece of hair off my forehead. He caressed my cheek and whispered, "Did I ever tell you how much you intrigue me? I think you are beautiful, Audrey." He bent down moving his face towards mine. A sudden thought moved through me. I was about to be kissed by Jack Merridew, and not to mention my first kiss. Did I want to be kissed by Jack, the same boy who remarked about my body on the plane? Before I could make my decision, it was made for me. Jack's lips touched mine ever so softly. The kiss felt sweet and hopeful, but as he went to kiss me again I felt something more forceful, it almost seemed like desire. I backed away before he could kiss me again, I felt different. A good different, which surprised me. The look he gave me was filled with desire and I almost thought he was going to go mad. But all Jack did was took one of the bags from my hand, and carried it for me while slipping his other hand in my free one.

We walked back to the "camp" and Jack called, "We are back!" to all the boys. He still held my hand and I thought it seemed like he was almost saying "Everyone look I am holding Audrey's hand." I blushed and thought it was cute he wanted attention with me. Ralph dropped the stick he was holding and looked shocked and hurt, where Roger wore an ugly smug smile. I looked at Simon who did look almost disappointed in me. I dropped Jack's hand and put the bag down in the meeting area. All the boys were building shelters, under Ralph's command. There were big boulders on the beach and where building sticks walls next to them. I examined the boulders and found one, which had a little cave carved into it. I found some sticks in the woods and some vines. I put two sticks the same size in the sand in front of the opening in the rock and started to tie bundles together for walls. After lots of tying and lots of trial and error, I figured out how to build a nice little hut. Fortunately, I loved to read survival stories, so my knowledge from them helped a bit.

Ralph walked over to me as I was standing admiring my work. "You built a shelter? Who is it for you and Jack?" I heard the hurt in his voice.

"No, it is for me, possibly Johnny and you. But I doubt you would want to stay with me."

"Your right. Why isn't Jack staying with you? You two seemed to be pretty close after getting the stuff from the plane!"

"I don't want him to. You are just jealous, which makes sense because that probably what he was trying to do!" I said realizing what to make of the whole situation. He wasn't holding my hand to be sweet, he just to show everyone I was his territory! I became angry. But the kiss, he didn't kiss me in public. I didn't know what to think anymore.


"Yes, jealous of Jack and me!"

"Ok, maybe a little jealous, only because...I thought we...never mind!"

"Tell me!"

'NO!" he said, "I just need to know one thing."


"Did he touch you, or harm you?" His voice turned sad and he had an expression in his eyes that I could not read.

"He didn't hurt me, he just..."

"What did he do?"

"He kissed me."

The Last Girl: A Lord of The Flies Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن