Chapter 10

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Ojiro walked towards the large oak tree with a smile on his face, hefting the large bag on his shoulder to balance the weight. Over the two weeks of their relationship, they'd never been on a date, so Shinsou decided they'd have a picnic. They both agreed it was much safer to have a picnic on school grounds than go down to town and possibly get attacked by villains.

Shinsou already set up when Ojiro arrived. "Hello love. Is that too heavy? I can carry it for you if you'd like." Hitoshi offered, walking over to meet him.

"No, no, I'm quite alright love." He set the bag down. He'd brought a bug net and blankets so they could have their picnic unbothered by the tiny life forms of nature.

"Alright. Let me help you set up at least." Shinsou said, helping him unpack the items he brought. Ojiro merely smiled and allowed it. How could he say no?

After they set up and had a snack, they watched the clouds move and talked about nearly everything. When the sun started setting, and after they watched for a moment, they set up more blankets and pillows, planning on spending the night outside.

Ojiro kissed Shinsou's cheek and smiled happily. "Thank you. I needed this. After the USJ attack last week the adults have been really strict." He said.

"I'd bet." Shinsou said. "Cuddles? I think it could help." He opened his arms and smiled. Ojiro curled up into him, smiling. "Comfortable?"

"Mhm." Ojiro nuzzled into his boyfriend, his tail wagging happily. "I might fall asleep."

"Then do so." He said, petting the blonde's fluffy hair. "I'll be right here to protect you. I promise." Shinsou kissed his head and nuzzled him.

Ojiro yawned and shut his eyes, slipping easily into a deep sleep.


Ojiro sat up abruptly, a brief sense of disorientation as he looked up at the bright sky. His back rested against a wooden wall. Wait, wooden wall? Wasn't he just at the woods with... with... Who was he with?

He shook his head and went back to his farm. If he slacked off anymore, Father would be extremely upset with him. After almost two hours of hard work, he heard a flapping overhead. Strange. Bakugo wasn't supposed to return to Sardia for a week.

A quick glance up dispelled any suspicion of Bakugo returning when he saw that the dragon's scales were silver in color and not the ruby red of Bakugo's dragon Kirishima. He moved back to give the great beast room to land.

The silver dragon landed heavily, barely missing the field of crops, and snorted, the smell of smoke following. Blinded by the brightness of the sunlight bouncing off of the dragon's scales, Mashirao didn't see who got off of the dragon's back. He did, however, hear them approach.

"Hello!" They said, waving.

Mashirao shaded his eyes and blinked away the afterimages from the dazzle of the dragon's scales. The male approaching him had ruffled purple hair and wore a simple outfit of a tunic and leggings with black flat shoes and a satchel across his body.

"Hello Rider! What brings you to our small town?" Mashirao asked, smiling kindly at the other.

"I'm here to talk to Katsuki, if he's around." The man said. "My name is Hitoshi." He bowed to him.

"Oh, that's not necessary. My cousin will be back later this week. You could bunk in our home while you await his arrival." Mashirao offered, blushing.

Hitoshi stood and examined the boy. "Cousin hmm?" He smiled. "Well, I'd be honoured to spend time with you."

Mashirao's cheeks burned red and he showed him inside. "One moment. Father! There's a Dragon Rider here!" He called.

"Then bring him inside Mashirao! I'm busy!" His father yelled, obviously annoyed with his son.

Mashirao smiled apologetically and took Hitoshi to the small kitchen. "Are you hungry? We just ate but I'm sure Father wouldn't mind if I made you something." He offered.

"No, just something to drink. I ate along the way but my waterskin is empty." Hitoshi said, looking around the small house.

Mashirao nodded and got him a drink of water. "Here you go. Like I explained earlier, Katsuki won't be back for a little while. May I ask why you need to see him?"

"Mhm, you may. I need to see him because of his status as a Rider. I am the only other one and was hoping he'd band with me to find a suitable person for this dragon egg." He pulled what looked like a small stone from his satchel. It was a lovely green with darker green and white highlights.

"It looks like the rock that Katsuki found. Though I suppose it makes sense that it's an egg. It's far too pretty to be an ordinary stone, just as dragons are far too pretty to be ordinary beasts." He said. A soft snort came from the window and he turned to see Hitoshi's dragon poking it's head in.

"Tetsu, shoo!" Hitoshi scolded. "You know better than to eavesdrop!" He stared at him silently then sighed. "Fine, will you leave now?" Tetsu pulled away and stalked off to find a place to rest.

"What did he say?" Mashirao asked him, watching the dragon's hulking form walk further from the house.

"He said thank you for the compliment." Shinsou muttered, embarrassed.

"Well, he's quite welcome. I merely spoke the truth. I've yet to meet an ugly dragon." He said.

Hitoshi smiled. "You've only met two. You're cousins and mine unless there's a third dragon somewhere."

"Oh, well, that doesn't change it to no longer be the truth, now does it?" He pointed out.

"No, I suppose it doesn't." Hitoshi chuckled. "You're a good man Mashirao. You'd make an excellent Rider."


Ojiro woke up feeling dizzy. "oof." He groaned and rolled over into a warm body. He startled and pushed himself up, looking down. Just Shinsou. His lover was still asleep and the night was young. He sighed softly and smiled, curling up with Hitoshi. What a strange dream ...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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