Guilt (RobertIDK)

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Before I go to bed, I check Twitter and Instagram one last time. When I wake up, I check Twitter and Instagram first thing in the morning. The rest of my time I use by watching YouTube.

I always look at the lives of other people. Maybe I do this to forget about my own life or maybe I do this because their life is more interesting. I won't lie these were the reasons I looked at social media and followed people.

But then one day, I found some one. This new person I found, they were really something else, the're honest, energetic and positive. But one of the things I love most about them, is that they say "I love you". At the end of all their video's. They show affection by being straightforward.

So I started following them. That changed my live. I felt like I met a new person and became their friend. Even if they don't know who I am. (Does that sound creepy? That's not my intention). By just watching their video's, listening to their voice and them saying "I love you". That was enough to make me happy.

They disappeared. I didn't know where they went, I was just a kid (about 10? Maybe 11) and they disappeared. That hurt. But over the years I forgot about them. I still feel so bad for that, how could I forget such an amazing person?

Almost two years went by i'm 12 now, I grew up, i'm a little older now. I found their channel again and saw that they hadn't updated in over a year. That made me sad, I almost cried (no joke). What I did, I searched and found out that this person was working for a different channel.

And they were coming back in like two weeks. I felt so happy in that moment, I didn't know what to do, I was so happy.

I set on my notifications for their channel and waited.

Two weeks went by. They made a video called 'I'm Back'. I watched it maybe two days after it came out. What I heard in the video it broke my heart. While they were gone they lost contact with their bes friend. They were going to move to Canada togheter, but their friend canceled. And they slowely fell apart. (just want to make clear, this person does not blame his best friend)

The person I loved so much, who was so energetic. He got depressed. It happens to the best of us, but while he had it so so bad, I forgot about him. How could I?

Of course, he's doing better now, updating again and being himself, he even gave some advice to us, on how to improve your mental health!

But the guilt of forgetting about him, it still eats me up. I feel so incredibly bad. But even so, thank you! For being who you are and I love you too!


So this story is about a person named RobertIDK. First of all, he's amazing and I love him! He's the person i'm talking about in the story. Also I don't think that this is exactly what happend (how he fell apart with his best friend and got in a bad mental state), but it's like 1am and I can't sleep (and was feeling really guilty and just awful). Anyway my feelings/side is 100% true, I forgot about Roberts existence and feel so so so guilty, because I really do love him!

Please go check him out, he's amazing! And i mean he would like to hit half a million subs this year, so maybe you could help out, y'know? *wink wink* *nodge nodge* (I can't put a link, so just search his name. If you want to).

Till next time!


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