Pt. 5 Nightmare

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Midnight Sparkle: I'm always a part of you Twilight but I just need a little more magic! Your friends can truly never defeat me!

Twilight Sparkle: Where are they?

Midnight Sparkle: They are not here anymore cause their magic is gone!

Twilight woke up after that nightmare

Twilight Sparkle: Aaahh...

Spike: Are you ok, Twilight?

Twilight Sparkle: Where is Sunset an-and the others?

Spike: You're looking for them at this time?

Twilight Sparkle: What time is it?

Spike: It's 4:70. I'm still sleeping but you woke me up!

Twilight Sparkle: Sorry, Spike!

5 hour later

Twilight Sparkle: Wake up, Spike!

Spike: Huh? It's morning already?

Twilight Sparkle: Don't be silly, it's time for your breakfast!

Spike: Yes!

Twilight Sparkle: You're such a lazy bones everyday!

Spike: I know but Twilight, why are you looking for your friends at 4:70?

Twilight Sparkle: Because I have a terrible dream last night!

Spike: What is i--

Sunset Shimmer: Hey, Twilight!

Spike: Aw, men! Why does this always happen when I ask a question?

Sunset Shimmer: I don't know but Twilight, your amulet is kept at the Canterlot High!

Twilight Sparkle: That's terrible!

Sunset Shimmer: Look, I know you don't want your amulet to be everywhere it's been kept but I think you need it to be away from you!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah, maybe I should.

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