Pt. 7 Unleash The Magic

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Sunset gave Twilight the amulet so she can fix it.

Sunset Shimmer: Twilight, can you fix the amulet?

Twilight Sparkle: Why?

Sunset Shimmer: Because there is so many people seeing the amulet zapping.

Twilight Sparkle: Sure, good thing I didn't throw all the tools that I use for it!

Sunset Shimmer: Great!

7 minutes later

Twilight Sparkle: And... Done!

Sunset Shimmer: Look the same but it's fix!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah!

But suddenly, Sunset's phone started to ring.

Sunset Shimmer: Hey Rarity!

Rarity: Hey darling! So today I decided for us to go at the mall to go... Shopping!

Sunset Shimmer: That's great! Twilight, you wanna come?

Twilight Sparkle: Sure!

8 minutes later

Rarity: That was a fun shopping spree!

Twilight Sparkle: Yeah and I got to buy books about science facts!

Rainbow Dash: Boring!

Twilight Sparkle: Hey, comics are also a book!

Rainbow Dash: With pictures!

Twilight Sparkle: [giggle] Looks like we have fun today!

Sunset Shimmer: What's that portal?

Twilight Sparkle: It's... Equestria!!

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