Chapter 1

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The room was filled with the scent of shit. One of the most unpleasent smells you can wake up to. Maybe is isn't something you would know. Most people don't have to deal with shit in the early morning. She does. The one who just fell out of her bed while stretching. Yes, that's Iggy. Her short hair got in her face, tickling at her skin. "Ow..," she muttered, rubbing her forehead with the palm of her hand. Her thoughts began to fog her mind, like always. She shares a room with her older sister, Kaytlen. 

Iggy looked over to see her sister still asleep. "alright, i guess it's my turn... again."

The dog whined in his small cage. "I know, baby, shh.. i'm going to get you all cleaned up.. I thought she walked you last night," Her eyes wandered around the kennel as she made an attempt to quiet the dog. "I'll walk you tonight, i just need to rememb-" Her words where cut off by her sister

"shut the fuck up, i'm trying to sleep, damn it"

"Sorry, I was trying to calm the dog down"

"Get him out of here, he smells like crap"

Iggy sighed, dragging the cage into the hallway to be greeted by her mother. "goodmorning, momma," she muttered. 

"why the hell is that dog covered in shit? You need to be more responsible! I don't want to be woken up by the smell of his fecies!"

"I know, i'm sorry, yes ma'am..."

She continued to make her way down the hallway. One of her two little sisters, maggy, walking out of their room. "Again? does momma know?"


"oh, well, hurry up and clean it up so she don't get to mad at me and EmmieKate."

Iggy nodded, and kept walking, now carrying the cage, making sure not to shake up the dog to much. She managed to upset everyone already. It was only 8 in the morning. "Stop cryin', you," She said, opening the filthy kennel, and picking up the dog. Her shirt was soaked with piss and shit. "I liked this shirt..."

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