Chapter 1

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The night fell upon Mitakihara city like a black blanket. It was a sad, starless night. Dark clouds were covering the moon, which so willfully tried to shine through. The demon was walking through a familiar park in the middle of the city, oblivious to the cold wind. Homura Akemi, the demon of love, as she liked to call herself, absentmindedly danced around white corpses.
Their emotionless pink eyes were staring at her in horror. They should have known better. Human emotions were just too dangerous and powerful, there's no way they would ever be able to take a full control of them.

"Homura Akemi... Is this really what you want? Are you happy with your existence as a demon?" One of the Incubators asked. It was one of the few who were still alive, but barely. Then again, Homura couldn't really kill them. She could only keep destroying their spares and make them eat curses. The Incubator has never felt so much pain before and it was driving it crazy. It did the only thing it could do. Plotted a plan against Homura Akemi.

"How many times are you going to ask me, Incubator?" Homura was patient with them. She always saw through their plans and eventually punished them. Kyubey just didn't know better. It was in Incubator's nature to be cunning, even though they claimed to not understand the concept of tricking people.

Kyubey didn't answer immediately. They had this conversation so many times and it always ended the same way. They watched Homura's graceful moves, as she danced in circles tirelessly. Deciding to drop the previous topic, Kyubey spoke in Homura's mind once more, asking her another question. "Would you be so cruel to every single one of our species?"

Homura paused in the middle of her movements. She straightened her position and shot Kyubey a suspicious glare. Kyubey stared right back at her. She hasn't heard this question yet. What is it trying to do?

"Aren't you always the same one? No matter how many bodies I killed, you always came back the same. The same Incubator with the same memories."
"Yes, we have many spares and we all think alike. Our minds are connected and we share our experiences, which lets us to continue right where we left at, if something happened to our current body. We can have many spares active at once, as it doesn't take up as much effort and energy as one might think. It's very helpful when we need to make multiple contracts in different places. Or should I say... It was very helpful? You are monitoring us so closely we haven't been able to make a move." Kyubey explained briefly. The whole concept of its existence was too complicated to explain, so it had to choose wording the demon would understand. Maybe after becoming a higher being she had a deeper understanding of the universe, but it was sure that she wasn't as experienced as she'd like to think.

"So what did you mean by asking me that question before?" Homura frowned. She did not like where this was going. Even though Kyubey was all talk at times, she couldn't forget that it always left out some very important details. She eventually found out about all... or about most of the secrets about magical girls in the past.. Why didn't it tell them about their cruel fate? Because they never asked.

Kyubey's pink eyes shone brightly in the dark. "The birth of an Incubator is a very complicated process. We are made out of bits of energy. The same kind which is used to power the universe, which is why we are able to do the things we do. But sometimes, when a new spare is created and the flow of energy is weaker, the body doesn't absorb as much of it as it needs to function properly. We have experimented on these strange individuals and unfortunately, we aren't able to connect with them as we can do with our other spares. It's because of the lack of energy. They still have some of it inside of them, but they aren't able to control it. We have tried to charge them, but even if they receive more energy, they never recover. In human terms, it would be like trying to fill a bottomless hole. We found out that they can't even contract. And after spending too much time in human company, some of them developed a rare mental disease - emotions. So my question meant... Would you be so cruel to every single one of our species? Even to the ones who bare the same mental conditions as humans?"

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