Chapter 3

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It was finally time for the long awaited lunch break. Madoka exhaled. Still no signs of Sayaka... She grabbed her lunch out of her bag. She liked to eat on the school's roof, since no one usually went there during breaks. Before that though, she turned to Homura, who was still deep in thought.

"Homura-chan?" Madoka came closer. Homura slowly turned her head in her direction and softly smiled.

"Hello, Madoka." she greeted in a calm voice.

"I was wondering if... You want to go eat lunch on the roof with me?" The pink-haired girl smiled nervously.

"Sure." Homura immediately got up and walked out of the classroom. Madoka hurriedly caught up to her and they went together up the stairs.

Once they were on the roof, fresh air filled their lungs. It was spring. The weather was nice, with only a few clouds on the bright blue sky. They chose the closest bench to them and sat down. Madoka unpacked her lunch and ate. She noticed that Homura didn't have lunch and thought about offering her a bit of hers. As soon as she wanted to speak, Homura looked at her with a smile, as if she could read her mind.

"It's okay, I'm not hungry. Enjoy your meal." She said as she watched Madoka, who blushed and gulped.

"Um... Sorry for asking you out of the blue to come with me. I just... Wanted to thank you for the ribbons..."

"They were yours after all. It's only natural I would return them to you."

Homura laughed lightly at Madoka's puzzled expression, as she didn't understand what Homura meant. She wanted to say that Madoka looks cute with them, but she didn't want to embarrass her.

Suddenly, the door opened up. Two girls rushed on the roof.

"Sayakaaa! Give that to me!!" Kyoko yelled as she chased the blue-haired girl.

"Never! This is your punishment for kicking me in the face!" Sayaka grinned, as she held the pocky box up high and ran away from Kyoko.

"I was asleep, you idiot!" Kyoko briskly jumped at her and grabbed onto her arm. Despite being few centimeters shorter, she still managed to reach high enough to touch the red box of chocolate pocky.

"Cut it out you two." Homura stood up and glared at them bitterly. Of course these two dumbasses just had to disturb her private time with Madoka. She wanted to be alone with her, at least for the lunch break!

Sayaka frowned at Homura and loosened her grip. Kyoko took the chance and snatched the pocky box out of her hand.

"What's your problem? The roof isn't yours you know. Kyoko..." Sayaka turned her head to her roommate for a second. The redhead was already sticking one of the pockys into her mouth. "Don't eat the whole box." She couldn't help but grin at Kyoko's endless appetite. Kyoko mumbled something, but her eyes went wide once she noticed Madoka sitting on the bench, awkwardly staring at the scene in front of her. Kyoko whistled.

"Didn't know pinks and rainbows here's your type, blackie." she smirked and Madoka visibly blushed. Homura quietly growled.

"Hey, Madoka. How's it going?" Sayaka finally greeted her childhood friend and took the chance to sit next to her, since Homura was still standing. Ignoring Homura's dangerous stare, she poked Madoka's cheek.

"Cute ribbons!! I wish I had something like that to wear! But I'll stick to my hairpins for now."

"Th-thanks, Sayaka-chan. Actually, Homura gave them to me! She has a good taste... Um... Anyway, where have you guys been?" Madoka asked her friend curiously.

"I'm going back to class." Homura informed them dryly, hair flipped and swiftly made her way to the door.

"Someone's jealous." Kyoko snickered.

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