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Mason combed his curly black hair into a smooth slicked-back style.

"That'll sure catch the ladies' attention," James smirked.

Mason rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I was going for, James. I'm trying to get my ears flattened down best as possible."

"Whatever, dude, let's just go on to the mall. We've got some stuff to get."


Lunna snatched the letter from Emily's hands and read through it. She rolls her eyes.

"You actually believe this, Emily? It's probably just some dumb prank from the kids down the street. They're always doing dumb crap like this." Emily looked at Lunna annoyed before she roll her eyes.

"Of course I believe it! Who else would know our names and about our abilities??" Lunna covered her mouth.

"Be quite, loud mouth! Do you want all of New York City know that we're, dare I say it, different?" Emily yanked Lunna's hand off of her mouth.

"Well, I don't care what you think, cause I believe it! And besides, no one can hear us. We're in the car." Lunna rolls her eyes and continues to drive.

"And, after we go to the mall, I'm gonna research the map!" Snatching the letter back and stuffing. It in her pocket, Emily crosses her arm with a puff coming out of her mouth, a very childish puff.

"Look, let's just get this shopping trip over with so I can find out that map! Oh and by the way, your mom paid the bills again. I found out by her texting me. She said she's going to meet us at the mall so she can hang out with us for a while." Lunna widened her eyes and quickly looked at Emily before looking back at the road.

After a few minutes of being in the car, Emily pulled the letter back out of her pocket. Lunna looked down at the letter in Emily's hands.

"It's probably not a good idea to keep your little fake treasure map out in the open like that, especially with the window rolled down."

"It's not fake, Lunna. I have a feeling." Lunna looked at her.

"Emily, what happened the last time you had a feeling? Oh, because you don't remember." She said sarcastically.

"I'll tell you. We almost got hit by a bus. I don't really feel like getting hit by a bus today, Emily." Emily stroked her pastel pink hair, easily focused on the on the letter.

"Mmhm..." Lunna rolled her eyes and continued to focus on the road in front of her. Even though she didn't wanna believe it, she still had a feeling that today would be much more than just a shopping trip to the store.

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