Episode 1: The Beginning of the Fight for Beauty!

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Day broke over the pristine white walls and cerulean roofs of Binan Highschool. The cool crisp autumn breeze swept through the air welcoming the returning students to the new day of learning.

Amongst this meager collection of all male students was the newest member of the student body, Eun Myung, booking it through the crowd before collapsing on the ground. He pulled the burnt piece of toast from his mouth as he gasped "Crap... the one time I WASN'T late." He stumbled to his feet as he realized just how much of a bent nail he was amidst the crowd of calm and upstanding boys. There was something incomprehensible about him, perhaps it was his comparably different appearance or perhaps it's simply his goody-two-shoes, bright-eyed, ditsy, and clumsy demeanor. But nonetheless, people tend to take notice in the strange aura that followed the odd first year.

Having just moved to Japan from South Korea, he knew that life would be a bit strained at first

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Having just moved to Japan from South Korea, he knew that life would be a bit strained at first. Though little did he know what kind of task would soon be at hand...

After a long day of working out his school schedule and classes, he was left with nothing but an hour until all students would be dismissed. At the last hour of each day all students would be required to do club activities for their mandated clubs. He searched around the school desperately though most clubs didn't seem to interest him or weren't accepting any form of new members. He had peered into every last club room, on the brink of quitting his quest, he came upon the left wing of the third floor. In an unassuming, dusty corner lies a small room about the size of a closet. The door that nearly blended into the wall of the school bore a small wooden sign.

"Earth Defense Club? Is that some sort of socio-political club?" He inspected the sign before hearing faint laughter from within. He stood on the tips of his toes trying to see through the small window into the room. He couldn't make out much but four desks sitting within the center of the room and a few students sitting within them. Though some girl sat atop one of the desks twirling her long blonde hair.

Eun backed away from the door. He spoke to himself in a near whisper "I thought this was an all-boys school?"

He thought for a moment, maybe she was smuggled in. What would they even bring a girl here for? And why was she wearing a messy school uniform? What if she's here to do....something? He couldn't just keep walking and let them keep someone who wasn't a student in school!

He threw the door open without much of a plan "Stop right there! Non-students aren't allowed on the premises!"

The other students stared back at him with a confused expression. Three boys sat at the four desks as the girl turned her head to face him.

"Non-students?" The girl spoke softly though in a more clearly male way than he expected. Eun jumped back "Y-you're not..." the boy raised his pastel pink brow in confusion "I'm not...?"

Eun shivered in confusion and embarrassment before slamming the door back. He booked it back down the hallway. Eventually he stopped at the opposite end of the hallway, catching his breath. He thought to himself as he leaned back against the wall "Guess I'll have to join the Go-Home club..."

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