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GOTHAM CITY 2007______

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HIS FLUORESCENT green curls were wild, an accessory to his frequent avant-garde attire. The Joker sat rather relaxed in the seat bestowed upon him by his right hand man, Twitch, as the clown casually rested his feet upon the glass desk in front of him. An almost finished cigarette rested between his fingers, which were splotched with remnants of white paint from his earlier reapplication of the gaudy greasepaint.

"C'mon! That's the best you got?" He spoke through this cigarette, inhaling until the flame within it ceased to exist. He sighed, flicking the bud over the table and towards the two men brawling before him.

Twitch, who usually remained silent in these matters, took on a supportive tone.

"They've been at it for a minute, boss."

The Joker stood in reply, his broad shoulders nearly encompassing his entire frame as he walked toward the bloodied men scuffling on the floor a few feet from him. He squinted, his features becoming distorted for just a brief moment as he stopped before them.

"Tsk tsk, you know—I've seen better." He begins, watching the two as they slowly stop their squandering to look up fearfully at the tall man hovering over them.

The Joker then sighs, tugging up his signature purple pinstripe pants just enough for him to squat down to the level of his soon-to-be henchmen. He leans forward just enough for them to move back. The proximity was too scary, it was too close.

His face turned giddy at the notion, his smile almost reaching his eyes as he spoke through gritted teeth.

"I don't have all day..."

His tongue then lapped out to caress his scars, his eyes moving manically around the vacant space and then fluttering back down to the two hoodlums below him with a chastising hum.

"Someone has to be the winner. I don't want to have to choose...so you two better get to it."

He gives one more bone-chilling grin before standing up and beginning his short walk back to his throne. He twirls his finger in the air, signaling his desire for the two to continue their fight before plopping down in seat with a huff.

"Now...I'm counting the time." He says, his tone taking on a deeper one in contrast to before.

Twitch looked at his boss carefully, his eyes moving slowly from the clown prince of crime to the two dead men rolling around on the ground. The phrase dead men is accurate, as Twitch knew good and well that Joker wasn't going to recruit either of them. They were weak, even he could tell. They've been at it for more than twenty minutes. Joker doesn't like to meddle.

Twitch knew what was coming. His eyes locked on the scene before him, he was awaiting the theatric finale his boss would usually give in times like this. It was almost like Joker was holding out on him, as if he was making him wait for it. It made him shiver for only a second. Then it happened.

Joker slammed his hands on the table, the loud smack reverberating through the large and very empty space. Twitch hadn't moved an inch. The other henchman behind them though, had jumped at the frightening sound.

Joker stood up carefully, his hands still planted on the glass under him as he looked up and over at the heaving men.

"I told you to hurry up. Now, you've pissed me off."

"I—pl—please. I can do it!" One of the men began, his voice shaking uncontrollably as Joker groaned in agitation. He threw his head back, a loud laugh breaking through the eerie space as he reached behind his waistband to grab his gun.

The men began to sob, a round of plea's the only loud sound in the ever so quiet warehouse as Joker walked over to them slowly. He stopped only a foot away from them, turning his head sideways at their crying faces. He sucked his teeth once, almost upset that they couldn't finish what they started.

Without another thought, the piercing sound of gunshots rung through the air. The remnant ringing sound almost comforting to the madman—almost.

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