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On the first day of law school, I had lectures after lectures it was overwhelming. I finally had a chance to go to the library and dive into some books. The school library had a variety of selections, and all from well-known authors like Francisco Diez-Buzo "one hundred years of solitude". I would often hear people talk about the complexity of the book which made me more intrigue but back at home our book selection was quite small, and they didn't have the book. I would've asked my mother to buy it for me, but she seemed to enjoyed me more when I am outside getting some sun.

While I was in the library devouring my book a girl approached me she sounded like she knew me, yelling my name from across the room "Priscilla, your back" I turned to her, her face seemed familiar but at the same time, it wasn't I didn't know who she was. My head started spinning as she began talking to me.

How do you know my name? I asked in a soft tone.

"You can speak now, that's wonderful. What do you mean how do I know your name"?

I didn't understand where she was coming from, trying to hug me and talking to me, I wanted the conversation to end. She acted as she knew me and we've been friends since forever.

"I imagine you're alone" she said smiling. How would she know that I wonder, can she sense my loneliness? I smiled and nodded.

"Come and join me and my friends" she grabbed my hand and directed me where she was sitting.

Remind me of your name again?

"Rebecca you silly, maybe you don't remember since you never actually spoke to me, but I am happy you are talking now"

We approach a group of people sitting down two guys and one girl.

" Guys this is Priscilla, Priscilla this is Aziel, Candace, and my boyfriend Jaylen" she said in a happy tone.

"Hey" they all said.

Rebecca sits on Jaylen's lap he asked how we knew each other.

"We went to elementary school together" Rebecca said.

Jaylen turned to me asked me "How was my baby in school"

I understand what she was possibly talking about, but this was my opportunity to make friends, so I played it off and told him I didn't remember while holding tight to my book. Rebecca and Jaylen began kissing and Candice didn't seem to be such a big fan of the display of affection she grabbed her bag and left. I sat next to Aziel, he asked about my book and I told him I was just beginning to read it. He told me he read it before and if I wanted to, he would recommend another book once I was done with it. Rebecca finished her make-out session and invited me to a party they were having later that weekend.

"Jaylen's just got his own apartment and he is planning on throwing a party you should come"

I smiled and agreed to go

"Are you sure, you don't seem like the party type?" Jaylen said in a mocking tone.

I'm going. I said sort of annoyed by his tone of voice.

"That's settled, take my number and we will stay in contact" Rebecca said.

She grabbed my phone and put her phone number in them. Aziel took out his hand and gave me a handshake while Rebecca hugged me and Jaylen waved goodbye, they all left, and I was finally alone again with my book.

I arrived home and told my mother about the weird encounter, she was shocked. How did she get my name right? It was such a strange coincidence. My mother told me, maybe she saw me when she used to go to schools to give presentations, but I don't remember ever doing that with her.

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