1: Invite

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[Jeongin POV]

I was walking  to school. My mum was at work and my dad was at home. Drinking as per usual. 

When I arrived at the school I saw my friend Felix waiting for me at the gate. 

Felix was studying dance at the school. Our classes are in the same building. The music building. 
(A/N: Don't judge me) 

  I was into singing and was taking a course. Felix often came round to my house so he could practice dancing to songs that I would sing. 

Anygay, I arrived at the school and Felix looked up from his phone. 

"Hey Innie," he smiled at me. "What's up?"
I just shrugged. Nothing new ever happened to me. My dad would beat me and my mum would work late and come home when it was past midnight. 

"Same ol', same ol'," Felix knew about what was happening at home, and he also knew there was nothing he could do to help me. 

"I just got a text from Chan, he says Minho is throwing a party this Friday, wanna come?" Felix asked, looking back at his phone. 

"Yeah sure," I shrugged again. "Couldn't hurt." 
At that, the bell went and we headed to class. 

Now Felix and I may have our classes in the same buildings, but that's on some subjects. We have other classes. 
Felix took his books and other stuff for his history class and I got my maths stuff. Our lockers were right next to each other but our classes were on other sides of the campus. 

I entered my maths classroom and noticed the teacher and a few students weren't there yet. Perfect. I took my seat near the window in the back corner. We didn't have assigned seats but I always sat there. 

I didn't really know how much time passed by as I was staring out the window but when I looked back in the classroom I noticed that it was nearly full. 
The class went on like normal and so did the day.
Well, normal till science. 

Science is the only subject that I share with one of the most popular guys in the school. Hwang Hyunjin. He's pretty friendly and hangs around with Minho and Changbin. Chan and Jisung occasionally hang around as well but they're so popular because they're friendly. I am friends with Jisung and Chan but mainly Felix. 

The teacher soon came in and hushed the class. I didn't even notice they were being loud... I was staring at Hyunjin..

"Class, quiet down now," the teacher waited for the class to be silent before continuing. "Now our school has come up with a new mandatory afterschool activity. Every student must join a club." The class groaned. I glanced towards Hyunjin, he didn't react, I began to wonder why. 

~Time Skip~

The bell rang and before everyone left, the teacher informed everyone that people must choose a club by the end of the week and join it.

They had told us that this was for people to become better friends with everyone. 

I met up with Felix at the gate of the school and we walked to our street together. 
"Did you hear about the club thing?" Felix asked me. 

"Yeah.. don't know what I'm gonna choose though." I looked down at the concrete path, kicking pebbles and holding the straps of my backpack tighter. 

"Why don't you join the club I'm going to join?" I looked up at Felix. 

"And what club is that?"

"The photography club."

I scoffed and looked back down. "Is that because Changbin is already in that club?"

Felix blushed a little bit. "Well Hyunjin is too." I looked back up, blushing as well. 

"He- he is?" 

Felix nodded. "So you're gonna join?"

"I mean.. maybe, it sounds pretty easy." I shrugged and noticed in my perupheral vision that we were at my house. 

"Good luck." Felix said, patting my back before walking off. I gulped and headed to the front door. 

You know that feeling when you don't know if you did something wrong or not but know something is about to happen because you fucked up. Yeah... that's me. 

I opened the door and was greeted with my dad. Anger was clear on his face. 

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