3: Party II

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[Jeongin POV]

Felix and I made it to the house as it was getting darker. Music was heard from 2 houses down.

"They're definitely gonna get a music complaint." I said to Felix as we walked towards the front door.

"Yeah," we entered the house and I saw more people that I thought there were going to be. "Try not to stay in one corner the whole night." Felix whispered to me while walking off in another direction.

"Wh-what? You're just going to leave me here with strangers?!" Felix turned back towards me, walking backwards, shrugged then walked off normally again. 
I just stood there awkwardly. What do I do now?

I looked around wondering where to go when I saw him.

I saw Hyunjin in the backyard playing beer pong with his friends. 

I looked around Hyunjin and saw Minho and Jisung clinging together. I noticed Felix was there and talking to Changbin, both with a bluch and a smile on their faces. 

Seungmin and Chan were there too over looking the game and making sure there was no cheating. 

Hyunjin had thrown a ball in one of Minho's cups. Minho picked the cup up, removing the ball and gave it to Jisung who downed it in one go. 

Walking over to the Ping Pong table, I was greeted by Chan who came up to me, hugging me.
"Hey Jeonginnie! How are you? You wanna play?" He pointed to the game. "You can be partnered with Hyunjin, Seungminnie has had a few too many drinks."

I blushed and looked over at Seungmin who had to lean on both Hyunjin and the table. "whAtare yOU talkding abolt. M nUt dRink." Seungmin then burped a bit at the end.

"Yes you are. You're out. Jeongin, you're in." Chan pointed to both of us and dragged Seungmin away.

"I- oh uhmm.. ok.. ok." I scurried over to Hyunjin and kept my head down.

"Hey, have you ever had alcohol before?" I looked up at him. Breathtaken away. His hair shaped his face well, a small smile towards me which made my stomach flutter and heart warm up. His hair was also parted on the left showing off his forehead and making him look even more handsome. 

"Uhmm, n-no. No I've never had alcohol before." Damn my stuttering.

"Oh, then are you good at throwing?" I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Cool, so you throw and I drink. Simple." He pushed my to the middle of the end table and I was facing Minho. He was also handsome but had a mean expression. I couldn't tell whether it was part of the game or if he was actually mean, I've never actually spoken to him. 

I threw the ball and it landed in a cup. Jisung celebrated and picked up the cup before Minho could. "Nice throw." Hyunjin said to me. I looked up at him and saw him smiling. I couldn't help but smile back. 

"Thanks." Minho threw the ball and it landed in the straight vodka cup. 

"Well, bottoms up, I guess." Hyunjin chuckled, picking up the cup and trying to down it in one go. He cringed a bit and placed the cup down. 

Throwing the ball again, I missed. Jisung pouted. It went on like this with few wins for Hyunjin and me. 

Minho and Jisung had 2 cups left and we had 1. Hyunjin was also staggering along, Chan was there to help. I didn't know where Changbin and Felix went off to though. Seungmin was sitting in a chair, a bottle of water in his hand.

I threw the ball and landed it in the straight whiskey. Both Hyunjin and Jisung celebrated with a cheer. Minho took a deep breath and threw the ball. He missed. I threw the ball at the last cup...

And missed. 

Minho went again and this time he got the ball in the cup. I sighed. "Here you go Hyunjin." I gave the last cup to Hyunjin. It wasn't a bad cup of alcohol. It was just an Americano. (A/N: this is an alcohol, not Hyunjin's coffee xD)

(A/N: It's just in a red cup and doesn't look that fancy :3)

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(A/N: It's just in a red cup and doesn't look that fancy :3)

Hyunjin sculled the drink and then stumbled to grab onto anything to balance himself. 

"The amount of alcohol he's had in his life and he's still a light weight." Chan said, helping me hold Hyunjin up. He was all giggly but he was also tired. 

"Jeongin, could you take him up to one of the spare rooms in the house. I need to deal with Jisung here." Minho asked. He spoke to me softly and smiled. I guess he just seemed mean for the game. 

"S-sure, thing." I nodded and made sure Hyunjin was stable enough to walk. "Come on H-hyunjin." I blushed when I said his name.
Hyunjin giggled and hugged me, nuzzling his face into my neck. "Yah, Hyunjinnie hyung, we need to get you to a room.  

Hyunjin breathed in, his face still hidden in my neck. "mmyousmellgood." It was hard to hear him over the music and laughter. Not to mention he was mumbling into my neck still. I blushed deeper and made him stand. 

"You need water and rest." I gripped his shoulders to make him listen. He nodded his head like a child. It was adorable. 

I got a water bottle and made him drink it. I held his hand to guide him towards an empty room. He was spilling water all over himself but didn't notice. 

I found a room and dragged Hyunjin in. "Sit and drink your water." He obeyed. I sat with him to make sure he didn't hurt himself somehow. When he had finished the bottle I placed it down and helped Hyunjin get under the covers. 

What I did next was a bold move but I did it anyway. 

I kissed Hyunjin's forehead lightly. He nuzzled further into the pillow. 

When I turned to leave I felt a hand weakly grab my wrist. I turned to see Hyunjin holdig my wrist, eyes still closed. "Mm, Jeonginnie, stay?" He sounded so cute I cooed. 

"Ok Hyunjin." I smiled softly, lifting the covers to slide into the bed with him. Almost immediatly, Hyunjin cuddled up to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. His breating evened indicating he was asleep. How did he fall asleep so quick?

I couldn't stop smiling. Closing my eyes aswell, I drifted off to sleep too, protected in Hyunjin's embrace. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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