|| Twenty-Seven

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The beeping sound of the heart monitor ripped through Dominique's ears as she gradually regained her consciousness. Tearing her eyelids open, she was instantly met with the blurry view, and her temple throbbed in pain, and she winced, shutting her eyes back.

Slowly, she fluttered her eyes open, and her eyes adjusted to the brightness of the room. Cocking her head to the side, she could see Alex on the sofa beside her bed. His eyes were closed as he rested his head on the arm of the sofa. She could tell that he had probably chosen to wait till she regained consciousness, even if it meant denying himself the comfort of a bed.

"Alex," She called out to him, her voice coming out raspy and sour, and sounding more like the slight booze of air. But, Alex's eyes parted open, and they brightened up on seeing her.

"Minnie?" He flew to her side, and took her hand in his. "Are you okay, fire?"

Her lips stretched into a warm smile, "Yes."

Grasping that she was okay, his shoulders' relaxed and a grin crept up to his face.

Recalling what had led her to the hospital, she suddenly became alarmed with the thought of the other girls in the hostel. Did anything happen to them? Was anyone hurt? But, most importantly, were they able to apprehend John, and the other three?

"Baby, what happened?" She asked.

Alex did not respond to this, but he tucked a strand of her hair behind her hair, and placed a soft peck on her forehead. In a whisper, he breathed, "You will be fine, Fire. You will be."


Minnie learned that she had gone into a slight coma which the doctor termed as 'a lot of sleeping' due to the excess chloroform which was in the handkerchief that she had forcefully inhaled.

John, and his three men, had been arrested, but on the way to the station, they overpowered the officers and escaped. This news terrified her, and she instantly knew that she wasn't free from danger. However, Alex, Jeff and Noah didn't relent in finding John, and unraveling the mystery behind Carper.

On learning about the attack on the fort, Amelia became instantly apprehensive, and had to drive to the fort straightaway. She feared that the girls were harmed, and informed the commissioner of police, who came along with her.

Ms. Remi briefed them on what had happened, and after questioning the security, they learnt that the men were hired abductors whose victim happened to be a resident of the fort.

"The girl showed signs that she had been drugged, as the men carried her out. While the other one was held at gunpoint," One of the security guard explained to them.

"Apart from these two, were any of the other girls harmed?" Lateef inquired.

The guard shook his head, "No one else was hurt. But, the girls took a great risk by standing up to the armed men."

"They displaced a sense of unity. If they hadn't done that, maybe both girls would be dead by now," Ms. Remi commented.

"In as much as I commend the girls for their bravery, I have to say that what they did was rather reckless. They risked their life, endangering themselves, and without any ammunition, they strove to stop four armed men." Lateef stated. "Anyway, I was informed that men from the Anti-human trafficking squad were present before the crime occurred, and they managed to get the situation under control."

"Yes," Ms. Remi replied, "They had been positioned earlier to protect the said girl."

Lateef's brows furrowed, "This means they were aware that the victim was in danger?"

Dominique: Her Tale of FateWhere stories live. Discover now