7. Sokeefe moments

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Below are some adorable Sokeefe moments:

•Taking her to the Healing Center when she couldn't find her way in Book one

•Flying on Silveny together in Exile

•Keefe giving her his cape in Everblaze

•The memory of Keefe distraught when he thought Sophie had died

•The window slumber parties!

• "Screw it"

•Keefe sending cool breezes into her mind when she's stressed

•Sophie carrying Keefe in Legacy

•Keefe staying in Sophie's room while she slept in Legacy

•Sophie walking in on Keefe shirtless in Legacy

• "there was something particularly handsome about Keefe Sencen"

•Keefe crying on Sophie's shoulder in Alluveterre

•Keefe giving Sophie paintings for a gift in Nightfall

• "Maybe if she never let go she could hold the broken pieces together"

•Keefe trusting Sophie to teleport them safely when she didn't trust herself

•Their two beds in the healing center with framed pictures!

•"You look perfect"

•Them almost kissing in Neverseen

•Sophie throwing heels at his window in Alluveterre to get his attention

•Keefe showing her the secret cafeteria

•Keefe staring at Sophie at the fire pit in Exile

And a thousand more!

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