Chapter 2 - The Case

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However the mood began to change when we noticed Erin Straus board the plane everyone look at each other confused "she almost looks human" JJ said looking over Spencer's shoulder at Erin

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However the mood began to change when we noticed Erin Straus board the plane everyone look at each other confused "she almost looks human" JJ said looking over Spencer's shoulder at Erin. I knew that her head hunting me for the BAU wasn't just a coincidence I knew she had something in store for my brother that was one of the main reasons why I took the job to find out what she was up to and stop her. "Has anyone talked to Emily yet?" Spencer asked "she was gone before I heard the news?" JJ said still looking at Erin.

"What do you think she's up to" I asked looking over as well "now we're down 2 agents and Gideon is MIA" Derek said as Straus began to walk over as Spencer spoke not realising she was behind him i tried to tell him giving him certain looks but I couldn't get through to him "has Straus even been out of the office" Erin said as she stood next to Spencer who looked awkward "correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe it's protocol to brief everyone before we arrive at the crime scene?" Erin said before looking down at me with a look on her face I could tell she was up to something. "Yes, ma'am." JJ replied as she looked up at her before Erin sat down "this unsub is abducting woman from very public places with no witnesses." JJ said "He holds them 48 hours with no sexual assault then be drinks there bodies with their hearts carved out of their chests" JJ said looking over to her "he's not a sexual sadist then because he doesn't get pleasure over sexually assaulting them which means that the kill or the way him kills them is what gives him the thrill" i said looking down at the photos which seemed to impress Erin before Derek placed down a photo of one of the victims infront of Erin.

As he did the same facial expression of someone who is about to be sick appeared on her face "maybe the taking of the heart symbolising a recent heart break or loss that in tern was the stresser that caused the unsub to snap" I said as I look at everyone "there's an obvious dichotomy in the kill the unsub exhibits in abducting these women and the fact be cute their hearts so crudely" Spencer said before Derek spoke looking at Erin with a look of glare in his eyes. No one on the teem seemed to be impressed with the presence of her due to the fact we all knew that she was playing a game with the team particularly Aaron. "We're probably looking at someone in a psychotic breaks. He could be butcher. He might be a hunter. Somebody who's very comfortable being around blood. But as you can see, obviously doesn't have the skills of a surgeon" Derek said as Erin placed one arm over the other "so, do we have a working theory?" Erin asked which caused Derek to chuckle "sure we do. Somebody really doesn't like women" Derek said which made grin appear on my face as he stood up because I knew it was a dig towards her.

Which made awkward facial expressions appear on everyone's faces however as I sat there I saw a text appear on my phone from Penelope which made me look up at Erin with a glare "Hey Jace I know your brother hasn't told you but I think you should know Erin is trying to force Hotch out of the BAU he's resigned" Penelope texted which made me feel angry I knew she was up to something but I didn't expect this "I knew she couldn't be trusted I know it's illegal and if you her caught your in trouble but any chance you can get hold of her most recent text messages" I replied before I felt my phone vibrate again "I'll look into it now" Penelope replied before I placed my phone down on the table.

Later on we arrived at the most recent crime scene and we're met by the lead detective on the case "you the FBI?" The police detective asked as he look at us "Derek Morgan. Spencer Reid, Jennifer Jareau, Jonathon Hotchner and Section Chief Straus" Derek said introducing us all. "Vic wolynski Milwaukee PD" Vic said as he looked at Derek before I began to wonder around the crime scene "you worked the Jeffrey Delmer case" Spencer said sounding intrigued "sixteen years ago." The detective replied "I've studied it" Spencer said to the surprise of the detective "and you remember my name" Vic said as he looked at Spencer "he remembers everything" JJ said with a smile however it wasn't a happy one more one of annoyance "it's what he does" Derek said I noticed something on the ground not too far away from the body "hey guys check this out" I said looking over at them.

Which caused them to walk over "what is it" Erin said as I took a pen from my pocket and scraped the dirt from the ground "when was the last time it rained here" I asked Vic "3 days" Vic replied "then the dirt should have returned to its original form which means this shouldn't be here" I said walking over taking an evidence bag from one of the crime scene investigators and placing the bag into it "what are you trying to say Agent Hotchner" Erin asked "that mud might lead us to where the unsub is hiding or killing our victims" Derek said before he smiled at me "can you get the test on that rushed to the lab" I asked as the investigator nodded there head before walking off.

"What can you tell us?" Erin asked Vic "a local merchant noticed her a few hours ago. But considering he didn't see her when he first came to work. We figure she was dumped there between 07:50 and 08:05" Vic said as Derek began to look around "Same window as the others." Vic said "all the bodies were found in this area right?" Derek asked "Wauwatosas an upper class suburb. Approximately 15 minutes from here. All of the women were abducted from there in the afternoon and turned up here in the morning 2 days later." Vic said as Derek and JJ began to look behind him at the beat cop and residents who we were watching us "this means that his choice of victims is low risk targets but then dumps them in the poorer suburbs it doesn't make sense" i said confusing myself a little "then this must been this is the unsubs comfort zone" i said trying to piece the information together in my head.

"All this foot traffic and no one saw anything?" JJ asked "well he wraps the bodies loosely, so they're not immediately recognisable. Eventually, the wrapping come open" Vic said as we all walked over to the body looking down the the victim "my guess is he has a ban or a truck, something he can back up. So he's shielded when he makes the drop." Vic said as Derek bent down to get a closer look on the body. "No prints on whatever he wraps them in?" Derek asked as he looked up at Vic "there has been traces of paint and wood stain. Most of its just common stuff you'd get in any hardware store." Vic said "but if we can find out which particular brand was used than we can form a list of suspects and narrow it down from there" i said as i began to write down everything that had happened so far.

"He's trying to demean them. Putting them out like trash." Spencer said which caused Vic to look at him "this guy might work or live around here. It's often to the reaction to his handy work." Derek said as JJ placed her hair behind her ears before speaking "what can you tell us about the victim?" JJ Asked "she was there from a supermarket, her husband says that most days she would have been picking up her son at school" Vic said which got me thinking "from public places right out in the open the unsub has no fear and to know exactly what time she would be out alone by herself suggests that he must have been stalking her getting to know her daily routine picking out the perfect time to strike" i said as I looked at Vic.

"I want an interview with the husband maybe he can remember more than he realises" I said which caused Vic to nod "I'll have someone bring him in for you" Vic replied "this is your Firth victim, right?" Erin asked as Derek continued to look at the body trying to find any clues he could "yes." Vic replied "you should have called us sooner" Erin said sounding kinda angry with him. " I thought we had a handle on it." Vic said with a sound of guilt in his voice which was understandable "apparently not." Erin said which caused me to glare at her and JJ interrupt "ma'am? Excuse me sir" JJ said as she placed her hand on Erin's arm and walked her away. As the rest of us stood together Derek walked away after receiving a phone call I could tell it was Aaron.

Later on we all headed to the police prescient "I've had the 5th victims husband put into a room for you Agent Hotchner" Vic said which made look at him and nod "Thankyou" I said following a police officer to the room as I walked in the man looked up at me confused "Hello I'm Agent Hotchner I work for the FBI" i said as he stood up "please sit" I said as I closed the door behind me before walking over and sitting down myself. "I have a couple of questions for you I hope that is alright?" I asked as I looked over at him. "Is your wife's schedule always the same or can it change day to day" I asked which seemed to confused him "I don't see how this would help you find my wives killer?" He asked "I'm trying to figure out how he knew that your wife would be alone during that certain time period? Have you noticed anyone recently watching or following you and your family?" I asked hoping to get any information from him that could be useful.
End Of Chapter 2

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2023 ⏰

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