Chapter Two:Meet The New Boy

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AISHA POV (not edited)

When I looked up I saw him...


"Daddy the boy who called mean things to mommy is really bad. I hate him!" She said to me. This is the first time that she's made at someone.

"Princess , hate is a big word. Just say you don't like him."

"But why? It's weally perfect for him."

"Yeah, I know..." My phone was ringing. I looked at the caller ID. It was my dad. The last time that he called me was to congratulate me on my wedding day.

"Assalamu Alaikum dad. How are you?" I asked him with a monotone voice.

"I want to do it." He said it quickly but luckily I understood it. I was shocked to hear his answer.

"Son are you there? I knew it it was a bad idea. Never mind what I said. Jus-"

"Dad, no it's a great idea that you change and for good. It's just that I'm shocked. Do you really want it? Don't argue with me after the decision."

"Yeah, I'm one hundred percent sure. I thought a lot and you were right. I need to change and for good."

I'm really happy for my dad that he finally made a decision.

"When do you want me to come at your house? Today?" I asked him.

"Today..? Yeah today is good for me. I have a question. Can I ask you something?" He asked me.He sounded nervous.

"Yes, you can ask me anything." I said to him.

"Are you on the hospital?"

"Yes, I'm in the hospital." I answered him in a sad tone.

"Um.. how is she? How is Aisha's condition?" He asked me like he cared for my feelings. He really want to changed.

I sighed.

"The same dad. I really regret what I did that day. If I didn't do that to her then she wasn't in the hospital. This is all my fault that she lies her. Six years without her... It's like breathing without air." Tears rolled on to my cheeks.

I looked at Yasmin. She was staring at Aisha, daydreaming. It really kills me that she lives without a mother that talks to her.

"Al- I mean Azeem. Look come over to my place so we can discuss this. I need to give you advice to you, face to face. Just come now so we can talk properly without a fight. Okay?"

"Okay. I'm coming in 15 minutes. Assalamu Alaikum dad."

"Walaikum Assalam Azeem." He hung up. I smiled what he said to me.

"Yasmin we are going to your grandpas house." she turned to look at me.

"Okay. Salam mommy. I hope that you wake up soon so that daddy can be happy again." She kissed her cheek. She ran to the door and waited for me.

"Aisha... Wake up. Please." I sighed. The only thing that I can do is having patience.

"I love you." I kissed her forehead.

I walked to the door and held Yasmin hands.

~15 minutes later~

I stand in front of the house were I didn't come for 6 years. I pressed my finger at the doorbell. The door went

"Assalamu Alaikum Azeem . Come inside please." He open the door wider so we can go inside. He bent down to greet Yasmin.

"Assaluma Alaikum Yasmin. How are you." he asked her and what shocked me more was that he known her name.

"Walaikum Assalam grandpa. Alhamdiwillah, I'm doing great." She answered him with a smile.

"That's great kiddo. Come sit next to me on the sofa." she sat next to him on the sofa. I sit on the opposite sofa.

"So what do you want to say to that you can't tell on the telephone?"

"Azeem.. things happens for reasons. Like if she wasn't in coma you never come encourage me to change. You only will hate your old man." He said with a sad tone.

"I will never hate you. Never." I said to him. He gave me a smile.

"So you really want to change?"

"Yes , because I want to do it for myself and for the people who loves me."

I took some paper and pen and write there something. I gave it to my dad.

"Tomorrow at 1PM meet me there okay?"

"Okay." He looked up and smiled at me.

"Grandpa, grandpa daddy is telling a story. Listen with me. Pweaaase?" She begged him with puppy eyes.

"Okay kiddo." he took Yasmin on his lap.

"So where was I?" I asked Yasmin.

"When someone interwepted the



It was him.

"So your the new kid that they informed me?Mister...?"

"The name is Goldhorn. Alexander Goldhorn. But call me Alex. It's nice to meet you mister...?" Alex have his hand to shake it with Mister Parker.

Mister Parker shakes his hand with Alex. "Mister Parker. Take a sit please so we can start with the lesson."

Alex was searching a place to sit. The only sit that was available was next to me. When I looked at him he rolled his eyes. He came to the place that was available and sat next to me.

"So we're where we? Oh yeah. We are going to talk about..." I zoned out. I couldn't concentrate because I could feel eyes on my cheeks burning. I turned around and saw that he looks at me with a dirty look.



Just when I walked out of the classroom someone took my wrist.

"Let me go!" I was struggling do get out of his grip.

"So the terrorist can speak uh? Didn't aspects that." I turned around to look at him but quickly lowered my gaze.

"What do you want from me?"

"Nothing. I like teasing people that annoys me." I looked shocked at him. It was his first day here and I already annoy him?

"Cat got your tongue? Listen if you want that I stop annoying you than you need to do a favor for me." I was shocked what the next thing he said.

So this is how I meet the new boy. Great. Note sarcasm.
Assalumu Alaikum/ Bonjour

Says hello in all language.

All rights reserved.

I know this chapter is boring and short.

(PS: the girl on the pic is Aisha ^.^)


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