CHAPTER 13: Brother Knows

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Dabi's POV:

I wake up tied to a chair with pants on. There infront of me is Shosho glareing at me. Shigaraki walks in with a knife in hand.

"So how did you know about my past babe? I never told you my dead name before.  Yet you said it before fainting."

"I did some research on you.  When I was looking up how to infiltrate U.A. I came across a file about an old teacher there. The photo was the same as in your bedroom. So I dug deeper and that's how I found out your name is tenko shimura."

"Don't you dare utter that name! My name is tomura Shigaraki not tenko shimura!"

Shigaraki puts the knife to shosho's neck.

"I swear if you say it one more god damn time. I'll kill your brother right infront of you. You got that....Touya?"

He smirks as shosho's facial expression turns to surprise and shock.

"Is it really you  Touya?"

I tilt my head down in defeat.

"You win. I'll do anything you say. Just let Shosho go."

"I'm starting to think that you love your brother more then you do me."

"Of course I do. He's blood after all. I helped raise him. Well until that bastard sent me away. "

"I understand. I'll make you like me, and kill your past for you. "

"What? No! STOP!"

"It's for your own good darling. "

I pull and tug on the ropes. Trying desperately to break them and save my little brother. I try using my quirk, but it's still not working.

"Say your goodbyes now or forever hold your piece. "

As tears of blood stream down my face. I feel my hair move slightly. Something small and red flys quickly and pulls sho away from Shigaraki. In the blink of an eye. All I see is red. As a familiar voice says.

"So here's where you ran off to. Good thing I hid a feather on you, or this could've been much worse.

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