money talks.

826 40 81

Atlanta, Georgia
August 2nd, 2000

'At some point, you gotta decide for yourself who you're going to be. Can't let nobody make that decision for you.' was a quote that Chiron cherished deeply from his mother. Lydia Davidson made it her prerogative to instill both of her sons with integrity and morals. Somewhere along the line, she lost herself in the process.

They say that the worse part about anything that's self destructive is that it's inanimate. You become so close with your addictions and illnesses that the idea of leaving them behind is like killing the part of yourself that taught you how to survive.

In this case, Reggie Lewis was her addiction. He was the only man she ever loved. The only man she knew. The emotional and physical attachment to this specific person wasn't healthy. Everyone knew that. Even her two sons, Chiron and Apollo knew that. And to them, Lydia and Reggie were just known as ' mom and dad.'

When we as humans get older, there is never a moment where we do not compare childhood to adulthood. How we reminisce about the times which were easier and carefree.

It was safe to say that 'childhood' was a phase Chiron wanted to forget. The memories of family dysfunction and judgement helped alter his perceptions on life. How much he hated to be here.

Lydia Davidson never found her healthiness again though. Reggie couldn't handle her flaws anymore. So he left. He was very calculated in doing so.

October 21st, 1988 was a day Chiron would never forget. The day he came home from school, eager to show his dad the A+ he received on his math test. Chiron waited all day to share the news. In fact, math was a subject that the two bonded on. He knew his father would be so proud of him.

Reggie never made it home that day though.

Or any other day after that.

He knew the absence of his father crushed his mother's spirit. It was written all over her face. She was emotionally drained. The smile she once had everyday slowly faded.

Addicts seem to always find a substitute to whatever goes missing. Lydia was once addicted to being the perfect person for her family, now she was addicted to drugs.

Funny how life changes.

Chiron was now appointed as the 'man of the house.' A role he stood by. Even when he was in juvenile detention.

"Look, shorty at 'da stoplight today was a dime piece Black!" Tjay exclaimed, his eyes glittering up as his recollection of the beautiful female replayed in his mind.

"Too bad she ain't give Mr. 'Flirt' the time of day. Straight ignored his ass. And to think this nigga had game." Jrock teased, laughing at Chiron who was too occupied in recounting the money that was in front of him.

"And to think a nigga like you who talks the most shit could count money correctly." Chiron replied, throwing the stack of money on the kitchen table the four men were sitting around.

Tjay snickered at the bluntness of Chiron's reply. "And dis is why you shut the fuck up, wit' yo dumbass." Tjay teased, his hand held his stomach as he hysterically laughed at the stupidity Jrock possessed.

"Man shut up! Lemme recount this.." Jrock mumbled. He grabbed the stack of money and began to recount.

"Yo, you got any rolling paper?" Rondo asked. It was hard to understand the question due to his mouth being filled with confetti popcorn.

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