grillz & waffles.

339 27 67

Atlanta, Georgia
August 2nd, 2000

"You eating that chicken?" Tjay asked Jrock. His eyes was focused on the thick, juicy piece of chicken on the side of Jrock's plate.

Jrock looked at Tjay with an annoyed look plastered on his face. "You ain't gettin' ma shit! Everytime we go out to eat you gotta have something!"

"Relax! Re-Lax! What you expected? You got a thick ass piece of chicken on 'da side of yo plate, chillin and shit." Tjay said in his defense, putting his fork down.

"I don't know how someone that still lives with his moms can be so damn hungry! She don't cook?" Chiron asked, chewing the piece of waffle in his mouth loudly.

Tjay kissed his teeth. "At least I talk to my moms!" He fired back causing Rondo and Jrock into a fit of laughter.

"Ahh! That was a good one Terence!" Rondo said in between his laughter.

Chiron nodded his head. "Touché.. you won bro!" Chiron replied, looking down at his plate.

Jrock tilted his head and looked at Chiron. "Ayo Black, you way too calm about that! You plotting something?" He inquired.

Chiron looked up at at Jrock with a smirk on his face. "You want me to plot?" He questioned.

"Nah, not really.." Jrock mumbled.

"Alright then so shut the fuck up!" Chiron instructed.

Jrock kissed his teeth and pouted his lips. "I'm tired of y'all bullying me!" He expressed, folding his arms.

"Shh! Look who just walked in here!" Rondo interrupted, looking at the two females entering inside of the Waffle House.

"What 'da hell she doing in here?" Tjay asked, locking eyes with his girlfriend Bria who told him that she was 'too occupied with her studies & she had no time to do anything today.'

Chiron laughed loudly as he noticed Tjay's confusion. "Dis shit is comical!" He shouted.

"Terence? What are you doing here?" Bria questioned, as she made her way towards the table with her bestfriend Nyela.

Tjay gave Bria a blank stare. "Really? You asking me 'dat shit?"

Bria sighed. "C'mon don't start your bullshit!" She replied.

Tjay kissed his teeth. "Y'know what, do yo thing. We finna talk about 'dis later." He responded. It was obvious he was bothered but he didn't want to say anything.

Bria rolled her eyes. "You always wanna talk about somethin'!" She sassed, giving Tjay an annoyed look.

"Tjay relax! We are here giving out flyers." Nyela interrupted. Noticing how quickly the conversation was shifting.

"Flyers for what?" Tjay asked, looking at Nyela's left hand which indeed, had flyers in them.

Nyela put four flyers down on the table. "Our close friend is throwing a 'Back 'Ta School' pool party. Everyone is welcomed!" She said with a smile.

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