old flames.

303 19 47

Atlanta, Georgia
August 7th, 2000

"To be honest girl, I don't know what I'm gonna do this upcoming semester." Bria complained while flipping through a vibe magazine. She only really looked at magazines for the pictures and drama.

Nyela put a few skittles into her mouth. "Why you say that?"

"I honestly don't know if I can pay off this semester. I only received a two year scholarship and that finished in May." Bria expressed, sticking her hand out in front of Nyela for some skittles.

Kennedy rolled over onto her stomach. She was too occupied reading 'Almanac Of The Dead' by Leslie Marmon Silko. She loved everything about reading. In fact, it was all she ever did. It was her safe haven from the harsh realities of life.

Nyela glanced over at Kennedy. "You good sis?" She asked, pouring some of her skittles into Bria's hand.

"I'm fine, I'm just reading this book. I just got it last week and I'm already on page 243." Kennedy replied, still keeping her eyes on the page she was currently reading.

Bria rolled her eyes. "Not to ruin your reading experience but, I'm going through a midlife crisis!"

"You always going through a midlife crisis.." Kennedy mumbled while folding the top of her page and closing her book.

Nyela furrowed her eyebrows. "Isn't Tjay a drug dealer? Couldn't he just give you the money?" She inquired while chewing on her skittles.

"I don't like asking him for shit!" Bria expressed, closing her magazine.

Kennedy exhaled loudly. "A closed mouth never gets fed." She replied, looking back down at her closed book.

"A lot of people don't have it easy like you Kennedy." Bria acerbically said, throwing Kennedy off guard.

Kennedy didn't understand what Bria meant. Yes, she grew up fortunate but she worked for everything she had.

Kennedy furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?" She questioned. Kennedy was throughly confused and felt personally attacked.

"What I mean is... I don't have the same opportunities that you have. You don't have to worry about paying for school and all the other shit I have to worry about." Bria said with a shrug, looking over at Nyela who appeared to be growing uncomfortable.

"That's not my damn fault." Kennedy uttered underneath her breath, getting up from her laid position.

Nyela sighed. "Anyways, the pool party a success right? Shout out to your uncle for the venue." She said, trying to ease the tension that was clearly in the room.

"Speaking of that, did you find any attractive niggas? I seen a few but I'm happily taken so.." Bria asked, looking at Kennedy who just stared back at her.

Kennedy shrugged her shoulders. "I really wasn't on the look out but I did accidentally hit some guy and made him fall into the pool."

Nyela turned her body around to face Kennedy. "Foreal? Was he cute?" She asked, giving Kennedy a playful smirk.

"He was alright."

"What happened after all that water shit?" Bria asked, scooting a little closer to Kennedy.

Kennedy scratched her head. "I offered him a change of clothes. He's so weird though, he changed his clothes in the hallway instead of going in the bathroom. Plus, his game was fucking horrible."

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