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After the question Anya had asked me about my sex life, it became this never ending itch on the back of my mind.

When I got home I decided to invite Brandon over because I hadn’t seen him for some time and also because I was trying to prove something to myself. We have this spoken agreement where we haven’t moved in with each other because we aren’t exactly prepared for that step, but we have a few things over at each other’s places for just in case we sleep over. Some examples are work clothes just in case we sleep over during the week like today for instance and clothes for the weekend just in case you came like straight from work or something.

Let me just say that inviting him over was a complete waste of my time. Instead of feeling sated, I just added frustration to the mix.

Brandon released himself inside the rubber and collapsed beside me. I didn’t know why I thought this time would be different from practically every other night. I had only ever come twice in our relationship, one was an accident and  the other was intentional, which led me to believe he just doesn't care or want to put in the effort.

Brandon doesn’t like to give head, like ever but he likes to get it and being the good girlfriend I am, I give it to him… or in this case used to give it to him until I had had just about enough. People say talking helps a relationship but it hasn’t helped with mine, it’s like what I say to him doesn’t matter and he has this thing where he thinks his word is law

“Brandon” I said as calmly as I could “Is that it?”

“What do you mean?” He responded trying to calm his breath

“I mean are we done? Is that the end? Because only one of us had an orgasm and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t me”

“We could try again in a few minutes if you want” He said not seeming even the least bit concerned

“You know what? Forget it” I said getting up from the bed and going to the bathroom to clean up

After I was done I walked out and found him on the bed scrolling through his phone. I couldn’t even stand to sleep in the same bed with him, so I grabbed a pillow and got a fresh duvet because the last thing I wanted was to get the one that had his smell all over it

“Where are you going?”

“To the next room” I said heading towards the door

“Come on, would you grow up. You should know that it matters more for a man to orgasm as compared to a woman”

That stopped me right in my tracks. My irritation at his audacity growing by the second

“Really and why is that?” I asked incredulously

“Because when we orgasm sperm is released and then there’s a baby but when you guys do it there’s nothing special that happens. I mean you wouldn’t orgasm your whole life and it wouldn’t matter but when we don’t it actually matters”

“You have got to be kidding me. Are you seriously trying to justify your failure to get me to orgasm?”

“I’m serious” He added “A study done by—”

“Oh my god" I laughed disbelievingly "You're serious. You actually googled this shit so that you could have a reason to justify yourself” I said shaking my head “You know what? Get out, I’ve changed my mind. You’re the one who is leaving”

“You want me to sleep in the guest bedroom?”

I smiled sweetly “No baby, you’re going to sleep in your bed… at home”

He looked at me like I had just grown a second head “You’re kicking me out? At this hour”

“Yes Brandon. You know where the door is”


The incident with Brandon made me mean and cranky for the rest of the week. Do you know what irked me the most? It’s how he didn’t even call to apologise or talk. Anya was looking at me weirdly as we sat at a table waiting for Seth to make an appearance

“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong?”

“Brandon… Brandon is what’s wrong. That selfish piece of shit”

“Whoa” Seth said making his presence known and taking a seat between the two of us “Who did what to who?”

“Brandon did something to her, which is clearly something bad because she is cussing him out... in front of us”

I rolled my eyes and gave her a flat stare “Shouldn’t we be ordering food now that his majesty is here”

“Thanks” he grinned making me huff in annoyance “Why are you still with him?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I like him”

“Kat…” Anya started but I cut her off

“Anya save the lectures for Seth because I don’t need you to tell me just how shitty my relationship is right now” I sighed rubbing my temples “I just want to eat and maybe show someone their dream house afterwards”

“Ok” Anya responded but none too happily

Seth was quiet the rest of the lunch but I could tell he wanted to give me a piece of his mind from the way he had the little tick going on in his jaw and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like it. Best friends since primary school, the one person who never holds back.

After lunch we left the restaurant and walked down the sidewalk getting to the place where we would go our separate ways.

“Kattleya” he finally spoke stopping in his tracks and causing the rest of us to follow. The moment I was dreading had finally arrived

“Yeah” I responded though my voice didn’t come out as strong as I wanted it too. I hated it when he became like this. Anya knew the look too but the little bitch looked too pleased for my liking

“I’m just going to go ahead and ask the same question again. Why are you still dating that prick?”

“I already told—”

“No. I’m not buying that bullshit. He passes degrading comments about your body, makes you feel like shit and treats you like you’re his little trophy while he shows you off to his friends and yet you still stay with him”

“He doesn’t do that”

“We were there remember? You invited us to hang out with his friends. We saw it all” Anya said flatly making me feel like I was being cornered by my two best friends

“Kataleya you’re a beautiful woman” Seth said and for some odd reason it felt good to hear it coming from his mouth “So I don’t understand why you let him walk all over you but as your best friend I’m concerned. We are both concerned” He gestured towards Anya who gave me a slight nod

“You don’t need to be concerned” I said folding my arms across my chest feeling my defence mechanisms kick in

“Fuck this. I have tried to be nice but it’s clearly not working” he huffed in annoyance while running his hand through his hair “If you’re going to stay with a prick who walks all over you like you’re a fucking public doormat then please go ahead but don’t complain when he does something stupid that hurts your feelings. What’s the point of telling us if you won’t take our fucking advice?”

“Seth…” Anya cut in

“Anya” He said shutting her up “I am sick and tired of this shit. You’re not a teenager dating her first crush. You’re a fucking grown woman in a relationship that’s going nowhere so grow the hell up because you look desperate!” He yelled getting a little unnecessary attention from the passer byers

His words stung. Did I really seem as desperate as he put me to be? I licked my lips and without saying a word I turned around and walked away. I heard Anya call my name, but I think Seth must have stopped her which was probably a good thing since I felt like the waterworks would start with a little encouragement. Gosh, friends could be so mean and hurtful sometimes when they were trying to get their point across

You are beautiful
In every single way
Don't let the words bring you down

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