Hunger games hangout

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My sister recently got into the hunger games fandom. I never really did because they came out when I wasn't really into that type of genre but I read the first book when it came out. She got into the first book and dove right into the fandom and after you read the first book you have to watch the movie to make jokes about how terrible it is compared to the movie. My family watched the first movie without me the first time because I was doing homework but a few days later my sister already finished catching fire so the family agreed to watch it in two days.

The next day arrives and I have nothing to do. Now as a 16 year old I am very invested into anything horror, paranormal, or creepy (granted it isnt realistically gorey or its total bs stuff) so I decided to ask my sister if we could watch the hunger games movie so I could watch catching fire the next day without totally being lost and she agreed.

We started the movie and here and there i would pause the movie to ask some questions or because my younger sibling went on a total rant about how the book is so much better (which me too man). I thought it was so good we jumped into watching Catching fire as soon as the fam got together (cause my dad works still because he's deemed worthy of working and being miserable while there's a pandemic). Boy did I dive right into the fandom I hope that train isnt going too fast cause i jumped right on that sucker and it left the station. So now I'm reading the first book again and waiting for my sister to finish doing a book project on the second one so I can get my nasty hands on it.

Moral of the story: be careful what you watch/do fandom wise because you might hurt yourself from jumping on that train too fast.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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