-~{Chapter - 1}~-

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Hello everyone, and welcome to my new story. This story is a collab between me and my friend. https://www.wattpad.com/user/Dragon-1041 So go check his profile out. And uh..Yeah, we've been working on this for a bit. So yeah. Also this will have a bit of things like Titanfall because why the fuck not? Hope you all enjoy this. 

<Delta's POV> 

"Pilot, Pilot wake up"

I let out a yawn and a small groan as I woke up, where the hell am I?..Oh, right. Going after 'that' pack today, forgot. KT must have got this far alone. KT is a modded Ion-Class Titan. I sorta went too far one day and I modded him to be able to use two other loadouts, though they don't work properly. The Core abilities don't work. Though everything else sorta works.

"Hey, where are we? How close are we to the camp?" I asked. Pressing a couple buttons and bringing KT's cockpit visual systems back on to see we are in a forest. Dark one at that.

"We are close to the camp. Just down that small clifface" KT responded. Wait, what clifface?

I took control of KT's chassis and looked, seeing KT was standing on the EDGE OF A CLIFF...Wasn't big but still. Literally on the edge. I looked to the bottom and in the distance I could see the abandoned town the pack had set down in.

"Huh...Seems easy enough, I don't even have to go down there! I could just fire down at them from here!" I chuckled. Pressing a few buttons and swapping our loadout out for the Brute set, we can't fly but the rocket launcher will help.

I went to fire at the town, but I stopped myself, they might not even be there. Or they might have Titans, I gotta plan this out..

"Okay. KT, any ideas?" I asked. "We could just walk in and open fire. Even if it isn't them the town is meant to be abandoned" KT responded. "Alright" I responded, smirking a bit as I took aim.

<???'s POV>

"My Alpha!...One of those..Titans is nearing the town!" one of my guards said to me, as we were patrolling near the town.

"Fucking hell they ever going to just fuck off anytime soon?" i say with a snicker, as they have been seemingly following us or something as of recently. Since they have always done something near us. But every time they get to us we fight back.

I start to look up towards the cliffside seeing the titan. I start to growl quietly as they just won't go anywhere else but here. "Get everyone ready in case this one wanna fight us." I said towards my guards as we headed back towards the den to get everyone ready.

After I rallied up everyone that was able to fight for the pack, we started to head out.

<Delta's POV>

"Pilot, I am detecting several werewolves on their way here. Get ready for combat" KT said, I nodded.

As I glanced around the area I didn't see anything. Well, I could but I mean I couldn't see any werewolves. Where could they be hiding?..

I looked around several times, though to no avail. Gotta keep my guard up. If I let it down they could ambush us. As we turned back to the cliff something jumped at us, grabbing onto KT's chassis and nearly knocking us over, I managed to keep our balance and I tried to grab whoever had jumped onto the chassis. I managed to get a grip and held them in front of me, werewolf. Of course. One from that pack.

I threw the werewolf aside, they aren't the target. Which is the Alpha, they would look bigger than a normal werewolf. 

As I went to look around again when another werewolf jumped onto KT's chassis. Before I could reach up and take them off they pulled out KT's battery, causing him to go into low-power mode. I sighed and disembarked.

Before any of the werewolves could do anything I phase-shifted and ran to the trees and drew my revolver before I came back to reality. I took aim and fired at the first figure I saw which was a werewolf. Probably the beta. The shot just barely missed but I fired another that hit it's arm. Causing it to roar a bit in pain. It turned and snarled at me.

As I took aim for a killing blow I was hit from the side and was sent flying into a tree. I dropped my revolver, when I looked up I saw them. The Alpha of the pack. I quickly drew my custom silver dagger and held it in front of me. "Stay back!" I growled.

The alpha started to try and bite my arm. I started to bring the dagger closer to the alpha before it bit my arm. Though I wasn't fast enough and it managed to bite my arm. I growled from the pain and I tried to free my arm but failed. Getting a idea I dropped my dagger and caught it with my free arm before trying to slash at it with the dagger. The alpha stepping back, letting go of my arm and growling at him before some of his other pals came in, outnumbered. They started to run at me. I gulped and braced myself to die...

One of the wolves grabbed me by the helmet and forced it off before grabbing me by the head and slamming my head into the tree. Knocking me out cold.

<???'s POV>

After knocking him out, we brought him into the den, deciding it was best to torture him rather than kill more of there kind. He had been stripped down to his boxers. He was also cuffed just to be sure. Something about him feels..Off though. Though we haven't captured a..What do they call them?....Pilots? Yeah..Pilot, we haven't captured one before. So yeah.

Hold me close (Gay Werewolf story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt