Chapter 1

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It was an ordinary day for anyone. It's was a bright, beautiful morning. Everyone or mostly had breakfast and was ready to start their day. But for two brothers, who live together in a little cabin, the craziness has just begun.

"Mario! I'm trying to talk to Daisy!" Luigi said, trying to control his brother and keep his phone up at the same time. It was a very difficult task.

"But your girlfriend called you! Your girlfriend called you! Your girlfriend called you!" Mario said repeatedly while jumping all around his brother.

"She's not my girlfriend!" Luigi said loudly, still trying to stop his jumping brother. He hated it when Mario did this to him. It was so embarrassing.

" wish she was your girlfriend." Mario said. He has finally stopped jumping and looked at his brother with a stupid look.

"No! I don't!" Luigi said with a red face. He did like Princess Daisy but he was so scared to ask her out. He feared that he'll be rejected.

While this was going on, Daisy was giggling and snorting. She loved how the two interact with each other. It was so cute and funny. They never fail to brighten your day.

"Can you pleaseeeee stop! I gotta take this!" Luigi said, once more holding his phone up to his ear.

"Ok ok. Fine. I got stuff to do anyway." Mario said, walking away from his brother.

"Where are you going exactly?" Luigi called, putting the phone to his shoulder to talk to his brother.

"I gotta help Yellow and Blue Toad with their basement." Mario said, tiring his shoes.

"Ok be careful!" Luigi said before returning to his phone call.

"I will!" Mario said before opening and walking out the door.

Mario closed the door behind him and began walking to the Mushroom Kingdom. He did this so many times that it's glued into his head. After got some distance from his and his brother's house, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. It was folded up so he unfolded it. It was a list of things to do today...with his brother.

"Ah. Who cares. Luigi busy and things happen unexpectedly. I can get these done on my own." Mario said to him, folding the paper back up and putting back into his pocket. He always likes to think possible.

He continued his walk to the Mushroom Kingdom. The Kingdom was a very nice place but if it wasn't for Bowser then it would be better. Mario never complained about it too much. He likes challenges but at the cost of lives getting hurt, it wasn't worth it.

Mario reaches the entrance of the Mushroom Kingdom. It was guarded by two Toads. Even though they just run away when Bowser comes. They greeted him as he walks through. As he walked through the town he was greeted by passing Toads. Some even pointing him out. He was a celebrity here.

All the house looked the same in a way but one stood out. It was two houses combined together and one was yellow and the other blue. They weren't the only colored Toads but the only ones who are brave enough to face Bowser.

There were a couple of boxes in front of the house. they must have started without him and made some good progress. But Mario agreed to help so he well. Soonly, Blue Toad was spotted carrying a box.

"Hey Blue!" Mario called as he walked to them. He had a prep in his step.

"Hey, Mario!" Blue Toad called back, putting the box down. He was small but he was strong.

"I see you got started already." Mario said, looking at all the boxes. He was impressed.

"Yeah... We wanted to get a head start so gets done faster." Blue Toad said, wiping his forehead with his hand. "Hey, where's Luigi? Isn't he supposed to be here too?"

"Yeah, but he got a call from Daisy so you know he is not going to help today." Mario explained, looking at him.

"Well, that's true. Anyways come on Yellow Toad can't do this all by himself." Blue Toad said, running back into the house.

Mario chuckled and ran in as well. They started to get the small boxes first than the bigger ones. They didn't know what they kept in their basement. Only some boxes they were able to point out.

They were chatting and laughing as they moved the boxes. 30 minutes later they almost had the basement cleared. They were still talking and laughing.

"I tell you, bro. Black Yoshi is really retarded." Yellow Toad said, walking alongside Blue Toad.

"I know! He's making the race look bad." Blue Toad responded, rolling his eyes in the process.

"Yeah, that's Black Yoshi for ya." Mario said as he put a box down.

"Hey, Mario you know what always confuses me?" Yellow Toad asked, looking at the plumber.

"What's that?" Mario said, looking at the Mushroom.

"The fact that Luigi has admitted he likes someone and you didn't. I mean do you have a crush on anyone?" Yellow Toad said, putting his hands on his hips. This has been bothering him for a while now.

"It's probably Princess Peach." Blue Toad said, walking back into the house.

"Actually no it isn't Peach." Mario said, putting his thumbs in his pocket.

"WHAT?!" Both the Toads said. Blue Toad came right back out and Yellow Toad was about to lose his jaw. They couldn't believe it,

"If it isn't Peach then who?" Yellow Toad asked, jumping on top of a box to look at Mario. He crossed his arms and stared confusingly at him.

"That's the point. I don't have a crush on anyone." Mario said, walking over and moving some boxes closer to the pile.

"Why don't you?" Blue Toad asked leaning against one of the boxes.

"Because why do I need a lover? I got the greatest brother in the world alongside with the greatest friends. I live near a beautiful Kingdom with a friendly population. Also, an enemy whose clearly gay but we haven't had the talk yet." Mario said, still moving boxes closer. He made the two Toads laugh. "Why would I need a lover if I got everything I need?"

"Well, it just seems weird that Luigi got a crush and you don't. It just seems... off you know." Yellow Toad said, hopping down from the box.

"I know but it's not I think that nobody is my type. It's because I'm happy as it is so why do I need a relationship?" Mario said, crossing his arms and tilting his head.

"That's true. You don't need a relationship to be happy if you're alright are." Blue Toad said, walking back in the house for more boxes.

"I agree and I respect your decision. You can date when you're ready." Yellow Toad said, following Blue Toad into the house.

Mario sighed. He never thought he would have to tell someone but it felt good to get it off his chest. He soon when back into the house to get the rest of the boxes. Soon they were finally finished.

"We really appreciate the help, Mario." Blue Toad said with a big smile.

"Yeah! thank you for helping us." Yellow Toad said, jumping off one of the boxes.

"No problem guys. Anyways I got some stuff to do so I'll see you later." Mario said, waving goodbye to the Toads and walking off to do the next thing his list.

"Bye! See you later!" Both Toads shouted as Mario walked off. They both were waving and jumping.

Mario pulls the paper back out and also pulled out a pen. He unfolded the paper the cross out the first thing he had to do which was to help the Toads Twins as Mario calls them. He put the pen away and looked at the paper.

"Ok next is... oh, of course, helping Waluigi with Wario's gas problem. That going be fun." Mario said, folding and putting the paper back into his pocket. He then began to run to get to Wario's and Waluigi's house.

He knew this was going to be a long day.

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