Chapter 4

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Mario woke up with a pain in his back and neck. He knew sleeping there wasn't a good idea. He got to his feet and stretched. He cracked his bones and rubbed his eyes. He looked around once more to see where's he that.

"Oh, I forgot. I'm still here." Mario mumbled as he remembered where he was. He was in a real pickle. He didn't want to go back, fearing the worst.

Mario carefully walked out of the building to a peak. He didn't see anyone nearby which was good but bad at the same time. He knew he had to be careful but how?

Then he got an idea.

"Ok Mario this is a really stupid idea but it could work. Just gotta be careful and stay out of sight as much as possible." Mario said to himself. He wasn't sure if this was smart but what else can he do?

Mario breathes in and out. He carefully activated his magic. He back away from the entrance of the building before continuing. It didn't take long before flames surrounded the plumber. Covering him from head to toe.

As soon as it started, the flames quickly died down. Leaving Mario standing there with a completely different look. His overalls were now a dark gray and the buttons were close to the color black. His shirt and hat were black but the white part around the M was still white. The M it's self was black as well. His shoes were now a much darker brown.

Mario sighed as he relaxes into his new form. He was now invisible to the naked eye but magical beings or wielders can still sense his presents if he's too close. This was the only way to stay hidden for now until things calm down.

"Now let's look around." Mario said before a running start. He jumped into the air and landed on a pillar which was in the lava.

He jumped around from place to place. He was being careful when magic Koopas appeared. They could sense him and get him into deeper trouble. After a while of jumping and running around, he bumped into some familiar faces.

"I told you! I don't get this game." Morton said, crossing his arms in frustration. He never could understand board games.

"Morton, it's really simple. All you have to do is roll the dice and hope you don't land on a bad space." Ludwig said, facepalming at his brother stupid. He has been trying to teach Morton for an hour how to play this board game that he found in his dad's old things. He couldn't read the name because it was torn apart by time.

"This is stupid!" Morton said. He was acting like a stubborn toddler. He really hated this 'board game'.

"Oh my god, Morton." Ludwig mumbled under his breath. Every second he spent with Morton, he losing brain cells.

"Still struggling with Morton brother?" Wendy said, looking at her brothers. She was leaning against the wall with her arms crossed. She had a big smirk on her face.

"Shut up Wendy! I'm trying here!" Ludwig yelled at his sister. He hated it when his sister bothers him.

"Well, it looks like you're failing miserably." Wendy said, sassily leaning forward a little bit and gave her brother a stupid smile. She knew Morton was never the type for this type of games.

"Just shut up and leave us alone!" Ludwig said, turning back to the board game and Morton. He was going to get this done.

"I wish I could but Lemmy wants you two to come up and play with us. Only because we need 8 players and only have 6, including yours truly. So why don't you come up and play." Wendy explained. She knew she wouldn't hear the end of it from dad and her brothers if she didn't get them to come up.

"I'm coming to play! It would be better than this stupid game!" Morton said, jumping to his feet. He always liked the games he plays with his siblings than playing old stupid board games.

"Morton! Really?! You're just gonna quit like that?!" Ludwig said, sounding almost surprised. He really shouldn't be surprised though. He should have known that Morton would do that.

"Yes, Lastwig! Your stupid board game is too hard!" Morton said, walking towards Wendy. He stuck his tongue out at Ludwig before walking past Wendy. He started making his way towards where his siblings were.

"You should join too. For all I know, you can't play board games by yourself." Wendy said, sassily turning around. She then walked away with a stupid smirk on her face. She won this argument.

"Shut up Windy! I'm only coming because I don't want to be alone!" Ludwig yelled as he stood to his feet. He then ran to catch up to Wendy so they could walk together.

Mario was watching all this from behind a wall. He couldn't get too close because with the Koopalings being magic wielders. They would have sensed him and start attacking, which they like doing. He couldn't stop himself from smiling because it was funny seeing them interact.

He had to keep quiet though because they could still hear him. Mario also got a bit curious about what game they were going to play so he decided to follow. Even though this could cost him his cover, he still wanted to know.

Mario then slowly following Ludwig and Wendy, from a distance of course. Seeing where they were going. He was concentrating very hard to keep an eye out for Magic Koopas and the distance between him and them. He gets too should already get the drift.

Suddenly Wendy and Ludwig were stopped by Kamek, Bowser's right-hand magic Koopa. He was old and quite powerful for a magic wielder. He had a large chance of sensing Mario. In a panic moment, Mario quickly jumped to the rafters above, to try not to be sensitive.

"So you got those two to come to play with your other siblings, Wendy." Kamek said, sounding a bit impressed by this. Also knowing that it would have happened either way.

"Of course Kamek. I'm the master when it comes to this." Wendy said, flicking her hand in the air. Show her sassiness while giving her brother that look.

"Oh, many times do I have to tell you to shut up? I'm only coming because I don't want to be alone." Ludwig said annoyed. He hated it when his sister never shut up about anything. It annoys him.

"Oh, Ludwig. That's your excuse for everything. When are you going to change it?" Kamek said, crossing his arms and tilting his head slightly. He always wondered why Ludwig doesn't use a different excuse?

"Because it's true! That's why!" Ludwig said, standing his ground. He wasn't going to change it any time soon.

"Anyways do you need anything from us Kamek?" Wendy asks, knowing that Kamek wouldn't stop them without a reason.

"No, I don't need anything Wendy. I was just making my way to Lord Bowser when I bumped into you. I thought it would be nice to have a little chat." Kamek said with a little chuckle. He never could have little chats like these back in his days. It felt nice.

"Well, tell dad that we said 'hi' and I'll be in the lad after I'm done playing." Wendy said before waving off. She was Kamek's little helper. She isn't his first helper and probably won't be his last.

The two Koopalings their goodbyes to Kamek and continued walking to their little play area, where their siblings were waiting. Kamek waved goodbye to them too before continuing on his way. Mario watched carefully as they separated. He was keeping an eye Kamek since he was walking his way.

Not even after walking for a minute, Kamek stopped dead in his tracks. He looked around suspiciously, feeling a faint presence of someone. Mario began to back away a bit more to try to get out of his sense.

"It might be faint but must tell Lord Bowser about this. We can't have an Intruder." Kamek said as he continued walking. He couldn't make that same mistake twice.

Mario watched Kamek faded away from view. Once he was gone, Mario could finally breathe. That was close but now Kamek is suspicious of his presence. But he knew Bowser wouldn't care too much about it so he should be good. For now.

Mario got down carefully from the rafters. He looked around to make sure no one else was around, then continued following the Koopalings. They were easier to watch because they were young when it comes to magic. They would have a hard time sensing him.

He still had to be careful or he gets exposed and who knows what happens next.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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