The Diary

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12/5/18     "Dear Diary, today was a crazy day at school. When I got to school Madison came up to me and said "Awww you don't have your diary with you that's a pity you must be really sad like the day your dad died with cancer hahaha." and then she left. I don't get how my mom and her mom could be best friends! 

     "Honey I'm home!"

Oh my mom's home, well talk to you later!"

     "How was your day at school?" my mom said

     "Well, Madison..." I never want to tell her what Madison does to me because then I'm afraid mom and Mrs. Lurr (Madison's mom) won't be friends anymore. "Well Madison and I played sandman at recess together today, it was a lot of fun!" Yeah right like I could have fun with Madison. 

     "I'm so glad you and Madison are friends."

I paused for a second. "Yeah... me too."

     "Honey are you okay your face looks as red as a pepper."

Whenever I think about Madison or I see her I always get nervous and get super red.

     "Yeah I"m fine it's just really hot in here."

    "Really? I thought it was kind of cold."

We live in a super tiny house with only a fire no heater or air conditioning. 

     "Maybe you should go lay in bed in case you have a fever," she said. 

Whenever I hear the word fever I all I think of is dad, it started with us thinking he had a fever but then it got worse and then there was cancer, it has been awful without him. 

"Now where was I diary? Oh right talking about mom and Mrs. Lurr being best friends, ugh I hate it they, think that Madison and I are best friends but it's the opposite of that we're like enemies. My mom's going to go to Mrs. Lurr's house tonight and I'm supposed to go but I don't think I'm going to be going because mom thinks I might have a fever so that's good, well mom just told me I should go to bed so I can get over "my fever" so then I'll write to you tomorrow, goodnight diary."

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