cheer for us

164 23 8

Cheer for us

Sitting on the edge of the bed
Scrolling on my phone
Waiting for nothing
Always hoping for something

You open the door
Stormed inside like it's yours
Wearing your unusual grin
You raised your hand

Automatically, our eyes met
Like our heads knew
Before the words spill

A sweet red wine that you stole
For a glass of memories
And two lychee beers that we bought
For a glass of every wonder

A Take It chocolate
For all the sweet things we enjoy
And a cheese with a lot of nachos
Because we are living for the cheese

A night that seems so special
But with unfold trial
Dancing with the rhythm of misery
hid by the mask of smiles company

A rare moment we shared
In the midst of the chaos
A simple escapade without moving
We just hop the conversation with one another
I guess words are enough for us to travel.

When the tick of the time 

Had already turned on its spot
And the bottle lost its last drop
The noise we created become unheard
And silence becomes too loud
Our lips formed a smile as the bottle lost its last drop

But our eyes didn't

Maybe our heads knew
Before the words spill
Maybe this is the last drink
Maybe but surely
So we tossed our glasses
We screamed our cheers

A cheer for us.

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