Whiskey Kiss

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To write this OS, I got my inspiration from a song that already helped me to write several Jopper stories: "Tomorrow Tonight"

So I pour another shot and I pretend that it's your lips

Chase you down another round until I taste your whiskey kiss

When you're up at 2AM you know that I'll be up in 5

Let me be your tomorrow tonight

Let me be your tomorrow tonight

Joyce's POV

Day 1 [8 pm]

"Let's raise our glass to... this madness coming to an end !"

Her eyes were now full of joy. Her entire body radiated a calm that could not have been there just a few days ago.

I realised more clearly than ever that it was the end. Three years of fighting were coming to an end. Unless... no, I couldn't think about that. I needed to believe that our future would be safe and quiet. To believe that none of the people I love would be threatened ever again.

Really believe in that. Completely. Believe in that with my whole body and soul.

Making an exception to my usual resistance to drinking alcohol, I clicked my glass against Hopper's. My friend.

Because it was over.


Day 2 [10 am]

The only thing going through my head right now was pain. Literally. I felt like the rock music Jonathan likes so much was now playing inside my head. Coming back to consciousness again, I realised I was... late ! I was going to be late ! I quickly sat upright in bed, the buzzing in my head coming back stronger than before. I massaged my skull, to no avail. What could caused such a migraine ?

It is then that bits of memories started to come back.

"... let's raise our glass to..."

The sound of glass clicking.

"... I don't get what you're insinuating..."

The sound of a... sarcastic laugh ?!

"Wait... I know that you... [...] don't play with that..."

And that was...

God, I don't understand anything !

Fighting against the strong urge to snuggle back under the covers, I put on the first outfit that I found before heading towards the living room. The clock advised me that it was already 10 am. I was going to call my boys, feeling terribly guilty for having failed to wake them up when suddenly I realised that it was a Saturday... And they had both gone to the Wheelers for a sleepover.

I sighed in relief. That was one less problem to handle. However, the memories from last night were a mess inside my head, and I was convinced I was missing an important moment.

Hurriedly, I grabbed a pencil and a notepad, starting to write down my messy thoughts. I could not distinguish between what was real and what was not and I knew some elements would only come back to the surface later. Disappointed, I looked at the very few concrete elements I had for now.

One thing was for certain, and it was that Hopper was there yesterday night. I'm nearly sure it was only the two of us. We were celebrating something and... there was alcohol, or at least I think so. How could I have agreed to drink ? Then... a black hole.

I finished writing down on paper everything I could remember. Beginning of sentences were messily scattered on the pages.

I felt an urgent need to understand what had occurred yesterday night. Why had I woken up completely disoriented? Why did I have this pasty taste in my mouth ? Why were my thoughts so messy ? Why were each of my steps tentative ?

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