It's not a date ! Or maybe it is ? (part 2)

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Nancy's POV

Jonathan and I had had a wonderful night ! The recent events had prevented us from being just the two of us, and we were ready to make the most of the rest of the holidays to make up for lost time. After the movie ended, my boyfriend invited me for drinks in his house. After looking at the time, I had accepted, happy that our night out wasn't ending yet. When we arrived in front of the Byers' house, Jonathan stopped.

"Lights are out. This isn't normal..." he said.

"Don't worry", I said, trying to reassure him. "Maybe your mom's out".

"With what car ? I took hers."

"Maybe she's already asleep. Anyway, let's get inside to see what's going on, staying here just speculating is useless."

We both got off, and I suddenly realised something. Everything we went through had seared marks into our minds. That's why, at this moment, my heart started to beat abnormally fast. We were waking very slowly, as if a monster could come out from behind the trees at any given moment.

Everything we had gone though would never go away. These careful prudence and badly hidden fears every time something was the tiniest bit out of the ordinary were the proof of it.

Every thing that was different was now suspicious.

What was inexplicable was dangerous.

What was strange was a peril.

Jonathan carefully opened the door. The whole house was plunged into darkness.

"Mom ?" he called.

"Mrs Byers ?" I said, prudently.

After a few seconds of only the silence answering us, Jonathan turned on the light.

My eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the luminosity of the place. But when they did, I sighed in relief, as nothing in the room seemed out of place. We started to look around the place for clues that would explain the absence of my boyfriend's mother.

"What did I tell you ? Investigating really is our destiny !" I said jokingly.

Jonathan didn't say anything. He looked really worried.

However, I slowly started to put the pieces of the puzzle back together.

An emptied cupboard in Mrs Byers's room, all the clothes scattered on the bed. An old make up bag on the edge of the sink in the bathroom...

One last thing confirmed what I had in mind: a small visit card on the floor.

"Jonathan ! Come here"

"You found something ?"

I showed him the card.

"Do you know what Enzo's is ?"

"Hum... yes, it's a restaurant that just moved into Starcourt Mall. I went there with with mom once."

I smiled.

"According to you, why would a restaurant's visit card be in your mom's living room ?"

"Well..." he shrugged, clueless.

I laughed.

"She's on a date you idiot !"

"Yes I got it that... what ? My mom ? A date ?"


"No I don't think so. And with who ?"

"I don't know Jonathan. But I don't see any other explanation."

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