After date

269 10 2

(This part can be taken after the part 3 of the date... )

Jonathan's POV:

I was still on Starcourt's parking lot, about to go to the car with Nancy when someone I knew very well came up to me. I don't know how she manages to run in these heels, this is some kind of miracle !

"Jonathan ! One second please..."

"Hi Mrs Wheeler. What can I do for you ?"

She hesitated before asking.

"Is that your mom I just saw with Hopper ? In the mall ?"

"It seems like it." I answered.

She sighed.

"I know Joyce and I are different, but I care about her and I don't want her getting involved in a toxic relationship."

I frowned.

"What do you mean ?"

"Well... Hopper had fun with a lot of women... it wouldn't be the first time..."

"I'm afraid I don't understand what you're getting at."

She held my shoulder gently.

"Jonathan, I'm asking you to trust me. Hopper is a player, he's not into serious relationships."

I hesitated.

"Are you sure of what you're saying ?"

"I am ! I don't want your mom getting hurt. Please... take care of her."

As she went away, I went to Nancy and the car, deep in thoughts but certain about one thing: I had no reason not to believe her !

Joyce's POV

Things went so fast then, or maybe it was finding Jonathan sitting on the couch, the lights of the living room on, that gave me the impression that the time for the "talk" had already come.

My son had been looking at me before I even entered the room. Why did I hope he had gone to bed ? That I would have had the night to find the right words ? And what did I even think there were "right words" to talk about love ? How could I explain this night without even understanding it myself ?

"Good evening", he simply said.

I nodded before answering.

"Good evening... you took Nancy home ?"

"I did."

It was not a good start.

"And... did you have a good night ?"

"I should be the one asking you this."

I understand that it's not easy for him, it's not easy for anyone. But his reaction still surprises me.

"Don't you have something to tell me ?" he asked.

"I would have told you about it but..."

"And what would you have told me about exactly? Please start from the beginning. I have a feeling I missed some parts."

I sighed. Why was he doing this to me ?

"When we agreed on this date, it was only as friends, I swear. I promise I would have told you all about it..."

When he stubbornly didn't answer, I continued.

"Anyway I don't have to justify myself to you Jonathan ! You can't control my life ! I never interferes with your love life, so please try to do the same for mine !"

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