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The inn looked oddly cozy, considering how it resided literally in the middle of nowhere. 

The walk to the inn was quiet. We haven't spoken a word to each other since our last argument, mainly because of the exhaustion but also because of the awkwardness that looms over us.

My thoughts on him were conflicting. I didn't know whether to regard him as a Grade A Asshole or just a troubled individual who's going through a lot more than he could probably take. The only certain thing about him was his hate for me, I could feel it. He didn't try to hide it either.

Perhaps 'Hate' is a strong word for it, but it was something along the line, what he felt for me. 

He pushes the creaky door open and a bunch of irrelevant sharp neon lights hit us, blinding me momentarily. I follow the sound of his footsteps and find myself standing in front of an old desk with no one as the caretaker.

"Hello?" I call out and an old, wrinkly man waddles out of a small room adjoined to the reception. He gives us a huge smile and I return the gesture, unlike Mr. Arrogant next to me. He's emotionless as ever.

The man finally makes it to the counter before us and pulls out a worn-out diary. Old school, I like it!

"Welcome to the inn!" He politely greets and I smile, "Thank you-", but Mr. Arrogant cuts me off just then with "Hello, We'd like to book two rooms for the night."

"2 rooms?", The old man asks questioningly and I nod at him. 

With a doubtful voice, the old man asks again, "2 Separate rooms?". Slightly ticked off, the younger one speaks, "Yes, 2 separate rooms."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes!", White shirt hisses and I bite back a laugh. What is he getting all worked up for? The man is simply asking a question.

"Okay, whatever you youngsters want. That'll be 60,000 Won!"

My eyes widen with shock and I snap my head towards the old man, "What?! That much for just one night?!"

"Well yes. You see, the business is very slow and it takes a lot to run this inn. You can hardly see anyone in this town so the charges are rather high.", The man in front of me replies sadly and I refrain myself from rolling my eyes at him. 

Of course no one is here, It's barely even a town!

A sudden flash of memory of the fact that I only had a 10,000 Won bill on me swipes my mind. I sneak a glance over to the side, only to see Mr. Arrogant taking out a couple of notes and my hands reach out for his on instinct, "What're you doing?!"

With a judgmental look, he answers, "Paying."

"For both rooms?"

"Do you have any money?"

When I don't reply, he just sighs, "It's fine. Don't mention it. Consider this as a payback for the bread you bought me."

But that didn't even cost me 5,000 won!

The old man's eyes sparkle as he sees the bills and I grab white shirt's hand for the second time. He looks at my hand and then at my face as I confidently speak to the old receptionist, "Just one room, please. And we only need it for 4 hours."

Old man smiles widely, mischief sparkling in his eyes as the guy next to me pulls his hand out of my grip, snapping at me, "What do you think you're doing?!"

I turn towards him and whisper, "Listen, I can see that you're very rich and have loads of money to spare, But I can't have you pay that big of an amount for me. It's such a waste. Besides, We don't even need two whole rooms. It's not like we'll be sleeping anyway."

I fail to notice the perverted look that the old man flashes because a visible red blush creeps up on coconut head's face. "What-What are you sayi-", He starts to counter pathetically before I snap at him, a little too loudly this time, "What? Isn't that true?! We don't even need the room for more than 4 hours? 5 maybe?"

"4 hours, Gentleman?", The old man asks in amazement and the man beside me just blushes harder. The two men exchange an uncanny look that I absolutely fail to understand and suddenly, the old receptionist speaks, "That'll be 20,000 Won then, special discount."

White shirt smiles shyly and hands him the money as I whisper quite happily to him, "We even got a special discount, Yay!". He simply clears his throat and takes the key from the counter as I catch the old man winking at him, to which, he just nods playfully.

I frown in confusion, When did they become best friends? 

White shirt leads me to a small room at the back, which had one small bed at the center and a wooden chair resting across from it. There was one more door inside the room that lead to an even smaller washroom. The room itself looked quite cheap and strange, but it was our best option for the time being so I held back my discomfort. 

Taking a seat on the chair, White shirt looses his cuffed shirt and rolls the sleeves up to his elbow, exposing his veiny-muscular arms, making me drool all over myself. My kink for hands gets sparked as a very explicit image of the two of us crosses my mind. 

I shake my head to stop myself from being pulled into my imagination, God knows that there's no coming back from there. I feel hot all of the sudden, Having the attractive brunette siting in front of me to blame for.

I fan my face, looking away when he suddenly states, "Jungkook."

"Hmm?", I breathe out as the astonishment of him actually starting a conversation with me first fazes me.

"My name, It's Jungkook."

"Oh... Oh! Finally! I was seriously getting tired of calling you Mr. Arrogant or White shirt or Coconut head."

"Coconut head?", He tilts his face to the side and I clap, "Anyway! We've made some progress. I know two things about you now; You're Jungkook and you're filthy rich!"

He chuckles slightly, "What more do you want to know?"

I settle down on the bed and it creaks while I yell excitedly, "Everything!"

He sighs playfully and shakes his head in defeat. I just stare at him with a smile resting on my face. Out of nowhere he confesses, "For the first time in months, I actually laughed and felt it", He looks at me with kind eyes and a new found emotion, way too premature to name it and continues, "Because of you.".

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