Chapter 13

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The morning came quickly and all too soon Ash was waking me up so he could pack up his stuff. I sat on his bed watching him fill up a big bag with all of his things and I just wanted to lock the door and not let him leave. When he finished getting everything he came and sat down on the bed with me.

'I need to leave in 5 minutes we have a meeting with management this afternoon' he looked sad as he wrapped his arm around me.

'It's ok you just leave me I will go and walk alone on the beach', I was joking but in reality it was probably what I would be doing.

'Don't make me feel worse than I already do, I will ring you as soon as the meeting is over and we can talk about you coming down I will persuade your mum', he smirked at me.

'I don't actually know what to say to her I mean she likes you but that doesn't mean she wants me sleeping with you... I mean at yours' I felt my face get hotter as I went a shade pinker with embarresment and he just did this cute little chuckle making me blush more.

'Well then... its all good I can always get my mum to pop round on our way out...wait where did you tell her you were last night?'

'Er I just said I was staying at a friends with Demi...' 

'Oh man well why don't we get Demi to come down too I mean I know Luke will love that and Bethan will enjoy having you both around for a few days'.

We walked out towards the car where his sister was waiting, she jumped out and gave me a hug and we said our goodbyes as his mum came out. 

'It was lovely to meet you Bella darling we will see you in a few days ok' she pulled me into a big hug and I felt the warmth radiate from her.

I turned back to Ash who was staring at me and brushing his face. I swear I saw his eyes watering. As soon as I looked into his eyes I felt the tears roll down my face.

'Oh my god I don't even know why I am crying I am going to see you in a few days and dont even try and deny the fact you had tears in your eyes'. I held on to him so tightly

'Ok I don't mind admitting it I had to wipe away a tear, I don't want this hug to end but my mum is staring at me look at me...' I looked up into his eyes and held my breath for what he was about to say surely it was to early for the L word.

'I um look things have gone so fast with us but I feel like I have been with you for an eternity and I well I love you ok...' shit he had said it, and everything inside of me wanted to run like how could he be saying this to me already but I knew deep down I felt the same.

'I I love you too', He bent his head down to kiss me just a quick kiss what with his mum and sister staring at us and then he was getting in the car and I was watching them drive away into the distance.

I turned back towards my nans cottage and slowly walked up to the door, but before I opened it I paused there was shouting coming from within. My mum and grandad were having an arguement I had clearly missed most of it as the last thing that I heard was him shouting at her that it wasn't fair on me with her not telling me and then she just screamed that it might send me back over the edge. What on earth was going on? what wasn't she telling me?

I opened up the door as I saw my Grandad storming up the stairs leaving my mum sat on the sofa. She looked different, tired, I went and sat down with her not really knowing what to say.

'Um mum are you ok?' I asked, and I looked at her like I really looked at her which I hadn't done for a while and I noticed she looked fragile, her skin was pale and she just looked ill.

'What are you doing home so early I wasn't expecting you for a while I haven't got out of my pjammas or done my hair...' She was talking in a high pitched voice she sounded worried.

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