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(n) - a reason for being; the thing that gets you up in the morning


it wasn't jungkook's fault that he was seen as a bad kid he was called a delinquent as he committed "crimes" three times he can't help it because he was just trying to cope

kook it's past midnight are you sure about going out right now? you can go early in the morning - namjoon hyung

yes it's not gonna harm me anyway i just really need to clear my mind i hate this fucking family - kooks

fine, be safe and don't get caught you know the neighborhood has their eyes on you - namjoon hyung

thanks ik - kooks

jungkook takes a puff of his cigarette and throws it in the thrash can and jumps out of his window, going away from his sickening household for now

his father was a very strict man jungkook doesn't even recall a time where his father showed him affection and his mom was very career oriented she only cares about her fashion shows not her son who she gave birth to

fucking dickheads I didn't even asked to be born and now they get mad at me everytime i fuck up? they aren't even good parents for fucks sake

jungkook says in his mind it might look weird but that's just his way to cool off he wanted to vandalize every establishment he sees but he knows he'd get caught because newsflash everyone hates him

his train of thought was cut off when he heard a small whimper near the park the fuck? he decides to go closer and see what was happening

he realizes it was a petite boy who was hugging his knees while crying stop that jungkook demands from the boy huh w-what? the smaller one finally looks up at him with puffy eyes

stop crying

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