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Mathilde was walking by the stairs when a loud sound, coming from above, hit her.

-Bam- "Kiaaa" - Thud -

In the brief moments before the impact she saw Sally falling towards her after being pushed off the stairs by Chelsy. Not caring for the fate of her innocent victims, she stood there in a mix of emotions but no regrets.

After she hit her head on the floor she saw all dark. The black emptiness surrounding her gave a sense of tranquillity that calmed her mind, she was floating cradled by her surroundings, she started recollecting what had just happened.

'Miss Chelsy had clearly pushed the sweet and innocent Sally off the stairs, probably in a fit of rage and jealousy, and i was in the wrong place at the wrong time.'

Chelsy Frye was the oldest daughter of Viscount Frye; her grandfather, originally of lowly origins, was a very rich merchant to whom was granted the title of Baron and her father, having married the daughter of a Count of another country, was granted the title of Viscount.

She was considered a sweet and respectable young lady until those events. One day her terrible secrets were exposed and with them the rotten part of her; her reputation, as high as it was before, fell in an instant and she was excluded from social life, even the commoners hated her, the news had traveled far and wide, even reaching other countries.

Sally, on the other hand, was the adoptive daughter of Count Mullins and his wife; originally the daughter of a Baron, was adopted by the couple when her old parents died in an incident. The Mullins where there during the tragedy, they already had two sons but desperately wanted a daughter, and decided to take her in. She looked like a young girl but her age wasn't certain.

The reason why Chelsy hated Sally so much was because it was Sally the one that accidentally discovered her crimes, moreover Sally took everything that was previously hers, like her friends, and this only enraged her even more. It wasn't long before even her family started to fall to ruins and she attributed all the fault on Sally.

After recalling the latest events she started panicking, a turmoil of thoughts filled her mind. She struggled to remain calm. Right now she didn't know where she was and the previously familiar surroundings now became scary and sinister, holding her down and preventing her to move. She felt no pain and this was even more scary! Moreover right now she wasn't sure about her current conditions, for all she knew she could be dead, in a coma or even worse!!

Emotions started rising in her, her head was spinning and her hears ringing.

One thing was clear: she could do nothing.


(Girl A) "Did you hear about yesterday?"

(Girl B) "Of course i did, who didn't?"

(Girl A) "They say it was ---, but i don't think so... come on she can't be that evil!"

(Girl B) "Wake up from your fantasy! Who else could have been? ...Nobody hates Sally except for her!"

(Girl A) "I know! B-but i can't bring myself to imagine it was our Chelsy!"

(Girl B) "Stop saying OUR Chelsy, she was never our friend! She probably used us as a cover for her masquerade."

(Girl A) "..."

(Girl B) "...Anyway... I feel bad for Mathilde, i don't know if she tried to help or if she was just passing by, but it was truly a sad turn of events."

(Girl A)  "For her to die ...i really didn't expect it... And...any news on Sally condition?"

(Girl B) "They said it wasn't anything too serious; she fractured her wrist and lost consciousness, they are waiting for her to wake up so they can ask her what appended"


Her mind was slowly growing heavy but she was too scared of falling asleep, eventually she closed her eyes and didn't reopen them.

what awaited was even more surprising that any heaven or hell, sure she expected she would die but... when she awoke she... she was in the body of a common-folk? Still quite confused she started looking around and noticed a massive group of people gathered at the centre of the square.

She got closer and ...the scene she soon saw would remain in her mind forever, printed vividly and never fading away: Chelsy on a platform held by guards near a guillotine, the crowd asking for her blood and her family, on their knees, in tears pleading for her mercy; her sister fighting the guards in the desperate attempt to reach her; her still head as she looked down with hair covering her porcelain face, not even this situation could break her doll like appearance, her emotion was left inside them, one last glance at her family than she closed her eyes, one single drop traced her cheek while the blade was falling...


Her head fell and between the cheer of the crowd a loud scream of agony could be heard.

Seeing the small girl crying her lungs out for her sister made her heart ake.

'There is no way that such an innocent girl and her entire family would grieve this much if their sister wasn't even the slightest bit good'

Soon she dismissed the thought but, as she was about to look around some more, the black darkness enveloped her again.


WN (writer note): 

Hi LIA3 here. I'm the author and this is my first story, hope you'll like it :)

If you have any advices feel free to comment (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

28May2020   by LIA3_stories

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