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"Miss...Miss you need to wake up or you'll be late"


A comfortable bed, soft pillows and silk sheets surrounded her, a fresh smell of spring in the air and the hot rays of the sun, that entered from behind the curtains beamed her face, waked her up gently.

"Young Miss!"


The familiar rhythm and the morning routine seemed so natural she had almost forgotten she was in an unfamiliar place!

She jumped up at the sight of the maid she had never seen before and fell from the bed.

Sure her estate had many maids and she didn't know the names of every one of them but this....she was sure she should had remembered the face of at least one of them

A loud -THUD- echoed in the room the maid screamed out of worry.

"KYAA!! Are you alright Miss?!"

Said immediately after, then turned to the other maid and hurried her to help. They both helped her up but she was still quite out of it. She was inside a body she could feel was not her own, may it be because of the long legs that gave her a new point of view, she could clearly feel she was taller than before by more than just a few inches or because of the scream she emitted while falling, even though it lasted just for an instant, her voice came out strong but sweet like honey and had another feel compared to hers.

Ignoring the maids, she ran towards the mirror and...her reflection...A familiar face appeared in front of her. It was nothing like her previous body, she used to be plain and had an average appearance, but this body!

Almost collapsing again, she studied her new appearance: she was higher than before and her skin and face were flawless, in that porcelain work of art were embedded two beautiful silver jewels in which one could see traces of blue, it was like watching the silver lining of a cloud mixing with the waves of the dark sea, her hair was of a pearly-white color but at the ends it melted in a ruby red, leaving little space for the pastel pink mix. Her eyes were fixed the ruby ends and, while she was scanning through her memories to remember the familiar figure, the face of the girl she saw near the platform a while ago...

'I'm that I ...i am ...Chelsy Frye's sister...'

A sudden realization, like electricity running through her body, sent shivers down her spine. 'What to do? What to say?? Someone will realize i'm not her! I don't know anything about her! Should i pretend to have lost my memory?'

As she was settling her mind in going through with the latest idea, a flood of memories that weren't hers emerged in her mind. They were just a tiny portion of Sety's memories and emotions, but their weight was immane, she immediately felt a terrible headache and a sense of dizziness prevailed her.

Meanwhile the commotion in her room had attracted the attention of the household. Concerned for the young Miss more maids arrived and, as they were helping 'Sety' laying back in bed, the butler came bringing the family doctor.

"Miss i brought the doctor" The butler spoke with a rushed voice,

concern choked dmee and words wouldn't come out, but the tears that formed in her eyes and herr expression held much more meaning than any word in the world.

The doctor sat across the bed checking her symptoms while she stared at him. A bit later a girl, that at first glance seemed a bit older than herself, came rushing. Her slightly disheveled hair and haggard breath showed she had run all the way here and, as soon as she raised her head, the worried and flushed face of Chelsy appeared before her eyes!

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