Chapter 3 I.E.D part 2

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"Stiles i dont want to talk about this" i told him

"He deserves to know Alyssa" Stiles pleaded

"I deserve to know what" Scott yelled

"Alyssa is your sister" Stiles yelled and then sighed

"Really?'' Scott asked

"Yeah" i breath "I have to go" i said and ran out of the locker room

"Alyssa!!" Liam yelled from the end of the hallway and ran towards me and grabbed my waist

"Let me go Liam" i struggled to get out of his grip

"You need to calm down" he says

"I cant Liam, i just cant" i whimper into his chest

"Everythings gonna be ok, trust me" he told me

"How do you know?" i asked

"I dont, but i know you and you would do anything to make things right" he said and cupped my face "You're going to be ok" he continued and started to lean in..........

But we were interupted "Alyssa!!" i heard Brett scream from behind me. i heard Liam sigh and he turned his gaze to the floor. "Head to the field and wait there for the game to start" he told me and i nodded 

"I'll talk to you on the field" i whispered to Liam and he nodded and i started to walk away. 

i was just about to pass Brett until he grabbed my arm and said "I thought i told you to stay away from him" you could tell he was mad because his eyes turned gold meaning he was starting to turn. Thank god Liam was gone so he didnt see it. 

i got out of his grip and said "Well i guess i decided not to listen" and i walked away heading towards the field. i waited for about 10 minutes until both teams came out. I can feel Scott staring at me for a mile away, and to make things worse Melissa was here to.

"Alyssa!!" Liam yelled from the bottom of the bleachers telling me to come down. 

i walked down and gave him a side hug "Hey" i said

"Hey this is Mason, Mason this is Alyssa we went to Devenford Prep together" he told the boy in front of me

"Oh so your the 'Alyssa' that he always talks about" he smirks and Liam blushes "Its nice to meet you" he added.

Liam was saying how he could take Brett, and i realized Mason was checking Brett out. "What do yo think your doing?'' i asked

"What nothing, I'm agreeing with Liam" Mason said way to quickly

"You think he's hot don't you" Liam asked

"no no, kind of, yeah, yeah i do" he told us

"He wants to destroy me" Liam continued

"And i think you can take him, and then give him to me"  Mason exclaimed and Liam and i laughed. "But seriously go kick some prep school but" and then he left

"So you gonna kick some ass or no" i asked Liam

"Oh defintely, I need to prove myself." he told me

"You dont need to prove yourself, your better than everyone on that team including Brett ok.'' i said and grabbed his shoulders

"You think?" he asked

"Defintely and maybe this would get your confidence a boose" i told him and he looked confused, i took the oppurtunity and finished what we started earlier. i kissed him and i felt sparks, he moved his hands to my waist and i moved mine to the back of his neck. 

I pulled us apart and he said "Your right I'm ready to win this game" he smirked and i laughed

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I pulled us apart and he said "Your right I'm ready to win this game" he smirked and i laughed

"I'll see you after the game ok" i told him

"Ok' he said and gave me a quick peck and headed towards the field. I went to go sit on the bench next to Mason because he thought we should get to know eachother more. Out of nowhere Brett through the ball at Liam and he caught it right away due to his fast reflexes from being a werewolf. I laughed and Brett gave me a glare and i just flipped him off. _______________

The game was going ok. Beacon hills was losing by 5 points and their coach benched Scotts girlfriend. Liam was going against Brett and I knew this wasnt gonna end well. Another Beacon hills player clashed with them and all of them went down except the blonde kid. I ran onto the field to see Liam is ok but Brett wasnt. "How hard did you hit him?" i asked worridly 

"I didnt he hit me" he exclaimed and Brett was being carried off the field. 

"I have to see if he's ok" i say about to leave them

"Why do you care so much" Scott asked grabbing my arm holding me back 

"Becasue he is still my brother Scott just becasue we are blood doesnt mean your my brother you grow up with a brother and that person was Brett." i say and get out of his grip heading towards the locker room.

When i got near the door i heard a girl talking and i didnt know who it was. i peaked through the crack in the door and realized she was an assasin Brett was talking about. i turned around and Scott covered my mouth from letting out a scream. He put his finger to his mouth telling me to be quiet as he walked in. Brett was on the floor but not dead. he opened his eyes and then Scott was attacked by the girl. He managed to push her to the wall which caused her to knock out. I ran over to Brett seeing if hes ok which hes not. He was stabbed with something,

"Scott we need to help him," i exclaimed. Scott took out his phone and dialed Stiles number but he didnt really need to since him and Liam barged in right when Stiles answered the phone. Stiles and LIam brought Brett to Stiles' jeep and brought him to an animal clinic. Stiles told me the vet there named Deaton helps the supernatural, i still didnt get it but i wasnt gonna let my brother die. Derek the guy  i only met twice was waiting fo rus there and brought with Stiles inside the clinic. after the struggle of holding him still Derek's uncle came and punched him which caused him to knock out. Deaton made a cut in his chest which caused yellow smoke to come out. 

Once Brett woke he said "I thought i told you to stay away from him"

i laughed "Well it isnt a surprise i didnt listen to you, i never do"

he laughed "Your an idiot"

"I know but thats what you love about me I'm your idiotic sister" i laughed and so did he and then Scott and Liam barged into the clinic. I ran up to Scott and gave him a hug, " Are you okay?" i asked

"Yeah I'm fine" he said in the crook of my neck.

"Scott i didnt mean what i said earlier, I'm just still getting use to this" i confessed

"I know and dont worry" he said "Everything is going to be ok" he confirmed

i smiled then looked at liam who was staring at the ground. When he looked up our eyes met and a smile crept onto his face. I ran up to him and gave him a hug "I'm so glad your ok' i told him

"I've been through worse" he laughed and put his face deeper into my neck. i could feel his hot breath trickle down my neck and it sent shivers down my spine.

"Hello brother in the room" Scott and Brett said at the same time "What?" Brett continued

"Oh boy" and it just started there_____________________________________________

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