Chapter 9 : A Promise to the Dead Part 1

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"Alyssa wake up, I need help" Scott said shaking me really hard

"Uhhhh, what do you want?" i groan rolling on my stomach

"I'm taking Kira on our first date and i need help.." he said and i instantly got up.

"Take a shower, i got some calls to make" i said and pushed him into the bathroom we share 

He laughed "Ok ok we got 6 hours and i really want to make it special." 

"Ok just go take a shower you reak" i said and finally got him in the bathroom and closed the door. i jumped on my bed and picked up my phone and called Derek "Come on Hale.." i said because it was on the forth ring and he still hasnt answered

"Yes Alyssa?" he said over the phone

"I need a favor" i told him

"The only time you ever call me and its for a favor , how rude McCall" he laughed

"Oh shut up Hale, its for Scott he needs to borrow your loft tonight" i told him

"Why?'' he asked

"Kira and him are having there first date and he wants to make it special" i told him 

"Uhhhh what do i have to do" he asked and then i heard a knock on my window and when i turned around Liam was waiting outside smiling. 

"I need lights hanging and make them pretty lights like the ones you would see at a night wedding on the beach, I'll send Liam over to come help you" i said and hanged up and opened my window for Liam. "Hey" i said and he pecked my lips and came in

"Where am I going and who am i helping?" he asked

"you are going to Derek's place and helping him set up for Scott's and Kira's first date" i said a little fast "Pweeease" i begged and gave him my puppy dog eyes. 

"I'll go just stop with the eyes" he laughed and pulled me into a kiss. He pulled apart and said "And when I'm done i will come over and we can watch movies all night until we get interupted by Stiles or your brother its most likely going to be Stiles"

i laughed "See your getting the hand of it" 

Scott came out of the bathroom "Hey Liam" he said rubbing his head with the towel trying to make his hair dry.

"Hey" Liam said "I got to go but ill see you later" he continued and pecked my lips before leaving my room and heading out the door

"why was he here?" Scott asked 

"He was here to hang out with me but i asked him to go help Derek with the loft for your date so hes coming by later" i told him and went into his room to rummage through his closet

"Alyssa dont go over board please" he said

"Not promising" i laughed i pulled out a button up and a pair of jeans and through it at him. "Now get ready I'm gonna head to Derek's to help I'll text you when we are done" i told him and ran out of the door. i hoped on my bike and headed to Dereks.

As i ran up the stairs to Dereks loft i heard Liam and Derek arguing "That doesnt go there" Liam yelled

"It looks fine" Derek yelled back

"Liam is right it doesn't go there" i said as i leaned against the loft doors

they both jumped and turned around "I cant believe I'm saying this Alyssa you really did scare me" Derek said and shook his head

"I scared the Derek Hale, I feel so honored" i laughed and hit his arm "Put that light next to the window" i said and Derek grabbed it tied it near the window. Liam wrapped his arms around me from behind 

"You guys remind me of Scott and Allison" Derek laughed while looking at us

"Scott hasnt told me alot about her, only that they dated and that she died in his arms" i said and sat on the couch 

"Allison and Scott relationship was basically Romeo and Juliet. At the time the Argents didnt like werewolves at all they still hunted and killed them. Chris didnt want Allison and Scott dating so they snuck around which really got them in trouble, when Allison died her and Scott weren't dating but nothing changed they still loved eachother but they managed to put their feelings behind them and when she died, she died in her first loves arm, nothing was the same after and its still isnt but we are going through it the best we can" Derek said sitting on the table across me 

"Wow" i said and put my head on Liams shoulder

"Well," Liam said "The only person who doesnt like us together is Stiles so i'm not that worried" Liam laughed and so did Derek 

'Well dont under estimate him he knows how to use a bat" Derek laughed which caused us all to as well. 

"I'm gonna text Scott and tell him the place is ready" i said and texted him and we all left the loft and got into Dereks car so he could drop us off at school.

"Tonight  im gonna take you out for dinner" Liam said as he grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze

"Oh really" i laugh and he nodded his head 

"Uhh you guys," Derek groaned "Stop being lovey dovey or I'm gonna throw you out of my car" Derek continued and Liam and I laughed. BUt all i could really think of is what Derek told us earlier about Scott and Allison, 

I just dont want history repeating itself....................

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