The Love You Didn't Know You Needed Pt:1

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This is for you~~~~ also I'm sorry 😅

Yui sat in the classroom, dossing off into her imagination. She stared aimlessly at the clock that sat on the wall just above the chalkboard. She was resting her head on her hand and was struggling to stay awake at this point.  She was normally quite the attentive student, but with her recent schedule change that came with moving to the Sakamaki mansion to accommodate for their 'unique' requirements along with the recent reveal that all the brothers were vampires, she had been forced to attend night school with them.

Her mind pondered her recent life events as she dozed, only to be sharply trust back into reality by the teacher taping her desk with a ruler. Yui quickly shot up and looked up at the scowling  teacher that stood in front of her desk.

"Mis Komori, Please try and pay better attention in class," said the teacher annoyed.                      "o-oh, yes Ma'am," she said embarrassed. Yui was thankful that none of the vampires were in this class with her or else they would have teased her for being an airhead.

Soon after, the last bell of the day rang, so yui packed up her books and started to make her way out of the school. She walked as quickly as her short legs could carry her, she did not want to be late, especially know the person that she was support to meet. She felt her nerves tense with the worry of being late, she gript the book-bag in her arms tighter and began to jog down the long hallway.

"Bitch-chan is that you?" Yui skidded to a stop, bumping into Laitos chest at hearing his familiar, flirtatious voice as the fedora-wearing vampire materialises in front of her. "Now what could be so important that it has you rushing around like this fufu~," Laito said with his eyes mimicking a concerned look and an ever-growing smirk on his face. He grabbed her forearms and held her in place, preventing her from backing away from him. Her cheeks reddened at his comment and she swallowed before speaking. "I agreed to spend some time with Ayato-Kun after school ended, a-and I don't want to keep him waiting for long" Yui tried to answer sounding confident. Key word tried. "Awww~ so is Bitch-chan scared that Ayato will be mad, your so cute!" He giggled while putting a hand up to his face to cover his mouth and the slight bush that doused his cheeks.

"Wha? I never said-" she was cut off by Laito's enthusiastic voice, "Nonsense Bitch-chan! I can see right through you, I'll come to protect you so if Ayato is mad, he'll have to deal with me!" He said as he stepped behind her placing his hands on her shoulders, lightly pushing her forward. Though his words were meant to be reassuring, all they did was fill the girl with dread. Knowing the hot-tempered, protective nature of the younger vampire, and the teasing personality of the man behind her...she just hoped she'd be able to find a way out before things got too ugly.

Yui had a sinking feeling in her gut once they reached the school's entrance. She could see the redheaded vampire standing by the limousine that normally took the boys too and from school tapping his foot impatiently. Once he saw Yui walking towards him with his smirking brother trailing behind her, his eyes widened for a split second before his face scrunched up into a harsh scowl. Yui swallowed as she could practically feel the rage radiating off of him. She shakily begins to open her mouth in a poor attempt to explain herself, only to quickly shut it when the younger vampire started storming over to her and Laito. She quickly shut her eyes tightly, waiting for him to start yelling or something but to her surprise, the sound of his voice did not come. She began to open her eyes seeing Ayatos form just mear inches away from her, she suddenly felt a strong force against her shoulder causing her to be riped away from Laitos hands that were still placed on her shoulders and fall to her side on the hard pavement beneath her. She managed to cushen her fall with her hands so she did not retain any injuries other than some scrapes. She pushed herself up into a sitting position and looked up at the now towering boys standing in front of her facing each other.

Laito looked down at Yui with a rather surprised expression. Yui tried her best to give him an expression that read something like ' I knew this would happen'. Ayato stood right in front of Laito, huffing in anger as he stared knives into his bother. Laito turned his head and met Ayatos deadly gaze, though he seemed completely unfazed by it. He seemed to even have the audacity to look him up and down as if trying to find the cause of his actions in his brothers appearance. Laito expression had remained stoic at that moment before it melted into a sort of mocking pouty face.

" Ayato, that was mean. You know how fragile and pathetic bitch-can can be?" he said completely oblivious to the rage that this caused the other male. Ayato lowed his head slightly causing his bangs to cover his eyes. His hands were clenched into tight fists as his teeth gritted together. "why are you like this?" Ayato barely whispered as his whole body shivered with rage. Even though Laito was a vampire he seemed to not hear any of Ayatos brief words. Laito looked back down at Yui who was still sitting on the ground next to them. Laito began to speak in his almost mocking tone as his gaze changed back over to meet Ayato.

" You knows you should really learn to control your-" Laitos sentence was cut off by Ayatos Swift, strong fist hitting his check. This caused Laito to flail back in surprise and grab his stinging check that his brother had hit. His face was shocked and confused as he watched Ayato runoff away from their direction. Yui, who was still on the ground, also was extremely shocked. The Sakamaki brothers had always been aggressive and they had no problem with hurting Yui, But this was the first time she had seen one of them act so violent towards each other. And to think it would have been Ayato and Laito, Who usually got along relatively well. She looked back up at Laito who still had the same shocked expression on his face.

" A-are you alright?" Yui asked hesitantly. Her question seeming to snap Laito back to reality. He lowered his hand from his cheek and turned to look at her, taking in her appearance as she sat on the ground, almost like he was checking her for any injuries, not that he really would have cared. " We should start heading back home," He said completely dismissing her question. He straightened himself out and then reached and hand down to Yui. She was a bit taken aback by this as it was far more polite than usual for him but took his hand and pulled herself up dusting off her skirt. Laito looked back in the direction that Ayato ran off in with a distant look on his delicate features before turning back to Yui and begin to walk back with her.  Laitos mind raced for an answer as to why his brother had this odd outburst, but alas he could not come to a conclusion as to why he had acted like that. Laito decided that he was going to confront his brother about the incident tomorrow, and he was going to get an answer out of the younger redhead vampire, even if he had to force it out of him. He needed to know.

Ayato X Laito (X Yui ): This ones for you~Where stories live. Discover now