The Love You Didn't know you had: Part 2

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I'm so sorry ( but also your welcome)

Ayato was lying on the couch in his room contemplating the events of last night. He can't stop wondering if Laito even knew what his words 'why are you like this' meant. His brother acted completely ignorant of his actions, and it hurt. The fact that he even felt hurt filled him with anger. Anger towards his brother for not understanding, and anger at himself for being affected like this at all. He closed his eyes as he continued to sulk over his feelings and eventually feel asleep. 

A little while later he felt himself regain consciousness again. He was still drowsy from his nap as he carefully peeled his eyes open, the light of the room blinded him momentarily, causing him to blink a few times as he stared up at the ceiling. As he became more and more aware of his surroundings. His eyes slowly paned downwards, taking into view the red-haired, green-eyed figure standing with crossed arms at the end of the sofa. Ayatos eyes widened in surprise as he saw his brother, he quickly pulled himself up into a sitting position. Ayatos chest tightened slightly as his longing for Laito crept upon him. This frustrated him causing him to hiss in annoyance.

Laito was standing firmly at the end of the couch with his pricing green eyes half-open, staring down intensely at Ayato. He wasn't wearing his fedora or his normal mischievous smirk, instead, his lips were pressed into a neutral frown, his displeasure visible. Ayato would have never admitted it, but Laito's abnormally stoic presence towering over him from where he stood was quite intimidating. Ayato didn't like the uneven power ratio that was going on at the moment one bit, so he mustered up a harsh tone to try and regain some of his lost dignity from being caught off guard, though his attempt was in vain as Laito interrupted his words with a deep and unusually serious tone for the normally flirty vampire.

" Tch, What are you doing in-"    " Trying to sound tuff right now won't do you any good"

Laitos cold words sent shivers of fear through him as well as...something else that he couldn't quite describe. It swam down his spine and pooled in his stomach leavening goosebumps in its path.

" I'm here right now because I have a question, one that you are going to answer " Ayatos mind was tripping up as he could not come up with any sort of response, he swallowed his pride and dipped his head a little lower in defeat, signaling for Laito to continue with his 'question'. His sharp teeth were still gritted though, as he refused to let go of his stubbornness. Laito began with his long statement as he uncrossed his arms and started to walk around the sofa painstakingly slow, stopping right in front if Ayato as he asked his question.

"You may think of me as being completely dense and ignorant, and it's not hard to see why as I normally do not react or pay attention to your subtle actions, but don't be fooled, I see everything that you do. Everything from the ways you try to annoy me, to how you will completely avoid and ignore me. Even your so-called 'Posesivness' of bitch-chan is all apart of this one-sided game you have. You know, even yesterday, the second I found out that Bitch-chan was going to see you, I knew that you would throw a tantrum if I intervened, and quite a tantrum it was. But, all that aside,  the real question is- why?" Laitos tone softened slightly at that last part. Ayato wanted to shrink down into a corner and cower, he hated this humiliation.

" What are you hiding from me, Or more so- from yourself? " The unfamiliar sense of concern that was evident in Laitos voice made Ayato's chest ache. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut and griped at the sofa fabric as tears vigorously threatened to fall. His attempts to hid his in or feelings we're adding up to nothing, and Ayato didn't like it one bit. He was going to put a stop to this humiliation Laito was putting him through.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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