Star Petals

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-Kaminari POV-

I wake up and feel a tickle in my throat, I cough a bit and a crimson red petal falls into my hand

"What the hell?"

I thought my friends were playing another prank on me and put petals in my mouth, because I sleep with my mouth open... which is stupid, but I can't control it! So I ignore the petals and put my uniform on.

As I'm walking to class I see kirishima talking with bakugo, I run up to them.

"Hi guys!"

"Shut up dunce!"

"Hey kami!" kiri smiles and waves at me, I feel more coughing coming up.

"Sorry guys I'll be right back!" I ran to the bathroom and coughed crimson petals into the toilet, this was NOT a prank.. I was scared so I looked up "why am I coughing up flower petals?"

The answer was... not expected...

"When one develops this disease called Hanahaki, a lot of things can happen. It is reported that people who suffer from this disease cough up flower petals. Now the factor responsible for this sickness is unrequited love. It simply means loving someone and not getting loved in return. The petals are normally the color of the loved ones hair. When you cough up full flowers is when you are near death. The only treatment is to get surgery to remove them, but you will forget your loved one entirely. "

"Well.. THAT'S not good, wait the petals are red. I do have a crush on kirishima, but I didn't think it was this bad..."

I hear a knock on the door, "hey kami? Are you good in there man?" It was kiri, the petals tickled my throat again

"Y-yep I'm good... bro"

"Ok... I'll wait for you out here?"

It was hard to speak, "n-no... just," I was trying to keep the petals down "just.. Go to class... I'll catch up!"

"Ok... see you in class.."

As soon as his foot prints fade I cough at LEAST two pounds of petals into the toilet, there was blood too.


I quickly ran to my room and grabbed a hospital mask, I had this because about a week earlier I saw my mother in the hospital, I don't know why I took it, I just felt like I would need it. I took out a sharpie, not the best to breathe in but I'm going to die anyway so what's the harm, I colored the mask black, put it on, and walked into class.

"You're late kaminari!" aizawa says from his sleeping corner.

"I-I know sir, uhhh, bathroom troubles" It wasn't the whole truth but wasn't a lie either.

"Ok... well sit down and we can finally start" I nod and take my seat.

-Kiri POV-

Something is up with kaminari, he is wearing a black mask and I heard him throwing up in the bathroom earlier. He is also avoiding me for some reason. After class and before he could get into his dorm I stopped him.

"Ok, what is with you today bro? I'm worried.."

He looks like he might puke

"N-nothing, I'm g-good.."

"You can barely speak! What is going on kaminari!"

He forces my hand off his arm and runs to his dorm locking the door.

I sigh, "s-see you later then..."

This continued for about a week before something strange happened, in the middle of class while I was answering a question kaminari started to have a coughing fit, a really loud one. Then he bolts out of the classroom! Pun intended, electricity was flying off him as he ran. Mina followed him and so did I.


"YAH KAMI WAIT!" Mina was ahead of me but Kaminari still locked the door on her.

I hear only a few small words from inside, "mina can come in.."

I feel hurt, but understand. Kami and Mina have known each other for a long time.

-Kaminari POV-

Mina walks into my room and I pull off my mask and cough hundreds of petals onto the floor, I couldn't see her but could feel her surprise.

"K-kaminari? What is going on?"

I explain what the disease is and she takes one look at the red star shaped petals and knows EXACTLY who my Hanahaki is for

"Oh kaminari..."


                               ~Spicy Sugar Cube

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