hang on... what!?

293 8 9

SIIIIKKKEEEE I found motivation!!!

-Kiri POV-

"y-yep, just gimme a sec kami!" I ran to the bathroom and coughed up two more petals, I hear a knock.

"are you sure you are ok? we can study a different time if you want..."

"n-nah man! I'm fine!"

I rub the blood off my face, flush the toilet, and walk out.

"see" I smile wide.

"h-holy crap!"


"y-you have blood in your mouth!"

crap! I forgot to wash out my mouth!!! D*MN IT!!!

"p-pshhhh naww!!"

"look in the m-mirror!"

"yah.. I know I have blood in my mouth.."


"I-" I start to cough more and a petal falls


"will you stop freaking out! please?"

he nods and starts chewing on his fingernail

"I can explain what is happening if you want?"

"WHY- sorry, why would I not want you to explain??!!"

I sigh and explain Hanahaki through many coughs and petals

"well? who is it for kiri?"



"look at the d*mn petals kami!"


"yep! and by the way.. you didn't hit your head."


"you had Hanahaki for me, you got the surgery and now I have it for you..."

"well.... I need to go!"

"wait KAMI!"

the door slams. my hand drops and I sink to my knees, I curl into a ball and cry.

"this is all my fault, this is so un-manly, gosh why can't I control my FEELINGS!!"

I get angry at myself for being so stupid, I harden my fist, not caring what damage I do to myself, the room, or others. I start to throw random punches at nothing I smash a lamp, the corner of my bed, (almost) a hole in the wall. Until Midoriya walks in.


"Shut up!"

"kiri" he walks toward me

"I SAID SHUT THE HELL UP!" i swing around and hit his stomach on accident

"I-I'm sorry.. I didn't mean-"

"It's fine.. I'll leave you alone."

he walks out and slowly and quietly closes the door.

-Kami POV-

I can't believe he likes me OH MY GOSH MY BEST BRO LIKES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAY!!!!!!!!!

I see midoriya walk out of kiri's room clutching his stomach, bakugo does too, I don't know why he cares though, but he walks around the corner while I walk to midoriya, he was clearly eavesdropping.

"woah, dude what happened to you?"

"kirishima. But I'm fine.."

"are you sure?"

"yep, you should go talk to him!"


"just talk to him silly!"

he limped away before I could get another word out

I sigh and walk up to kiri's door and knock



I hear the thumping die down and a few coughs

"w-we need to talk.."

404 words and this won't be the last chapter because I FOUND MY MOTIVATION!!! 

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