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Yes, I know you are questioning the thing I may be, but i am not a thing. So, here goes, I will give an explination for your liking.

        First, you are going to get to know me. My name is Persephone "Pandora" Maxwell, and I am currently thirteen years young. I have black straight hair. My 'style' you could say would be my gray beanie, a sweater or something, jeans or leggings, and boots. Always boots.

        My father is a spiritual-person, who tries to get in contact with the dead. He is like a spiritual medium, actually that's exactly what he is. My mom, on the other hand, is a real estate agent. I crack up when I think of those two together. A medium and a real estate agent. I just chuckle at the thought.

        So, bringing the topic back to me, I figured out spirits and demons were attracted to me. Probably because my dad was a medium. But whatever! You want to know about me, I hope. Not my family. Well, you might want to know about me but... Eh. Whatever. Well. Here gors.

        My father, he is supposed to be dead. But he rose back from the dead, that's why he is so spiritual. He met my mom, and they fell in love and had me. Dad wanted to name me Fang, or Scar, or Judy, or something in that dead-type range. But no, they had to agree. So came the name Persephone, and Persephone was the 'Goddess Of The Underworld" so I guess it met both of their needs. 

        When I was born, a demon nurse whispered a little rhyme into my ear. It went something like this: Child, you better know. Your future will become aglow, I will change your world forever... It will never be the same, whatsoever.

Boy, that nurse was evil. She knew that that spell, you could call it, would give me dark days and a terribly dark secret. But what she didn't know was that it would give me the power to, one day, kill her and collect her soul.

        Oh, and one more thing... I have wings. They are black with the ends tipped white.

So, keep reading if you want to change the world.

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