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The comfy ground rose and dove, and was bumpy but smooth. It was like sitting on a cloud. I just laid there, my eyes closed. Then there was a soft thump and I was laid on a grassy surface. I opened my eyes, and saw the moon. Indeed, I was on the ground. But where? A boy leaned in front of my face.
"You ok?" he asked. It was the boy with the wings.
"Ugh, yeah. Cant fly." I managed to squeak.
"Its a pleasure."
"Indeed." I said. I giggled. Why in the world did I GIGGLE?!
"You took quite a hard fall. Its been a few nights since then." Cyan said, sitting down by my side. He wore a Guns 'n Roses concert t-shirt, black jeans and black high tops. He wore a black jacket. His eyes were a dazzling green, which sparkled in the moonlight.
"Yeah... Still drowsy... Might try tomorrow," I yawned. "Thank you Cyan."
"No problem, Persephone. Sleep well." He laid by my side, and we looked at the stars counting how many constellations we could see. When I fell asleep, I could feel him take off his jacket and lay it over me. He put his arm under my head, too.

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