☇history repeating

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the two sat in silence in the salvatore boarding house, as natalie didn't want to stay home alone that night. they shared a drink, and natalie was nowhere near drunk, however tipsy. damon was sober as an another normal person, and felt the presence of his brother in the room.

the brothers fought, and natalie looked in their direction, trying to figure out what's going on. she was tipsy, so she knew that they were fighting and by looks of it, looked like they were going to kill each other. it was best for natalie to stay out of a vampire's fight, before she accidentally reveal what she really is. 

"hey, what do you think you're doing?" natalie questioned, standing up with her hands against the counter. stefan ignored her, his focus on damon as his brother spoke to him. "come on, i did this for you to get them off our trail!" damon claimed. stefan clearly didn't believe him, as he told him that he never does anything for anyone but himself. 

natalie looked at the glass in her hand, twirling the liquid around and drank the rest of it. it burned her throat as it made its way down, while the female placed the empty glass next to damon's. before natalie had a chance to intervene, damon grunted and stared at his brother. natalie tried to walk over to them to make stefan stop, but it was already too late. 

a stake was inside damon's chest. natalie didn't know what to feel; happy that he was no longer going to bother her anymore, or upset that he was the one person who actually tried to make sure she was alright. "you missed," damon struggled to say, looking down at the stake that was still in stefan's grasp. "you saved my life. i'm sparing yours," stefan mumbled to him, pushing the stake more into damon's chest. "we're even," he paused, pushing it further to cause him more pain. "and now we're done." stefan finished, letting go of the stake and walked away from his brother.

the brunette watched him leave the room, before quickly walking to damon's side. natalie knelt down next to him, yanking the stake out of damon while earning a groan from the vampire. "you didn't have to do that," he mumbled to her, lifting his head up to look at her. "sure i did. i didn't want to witness you die as i've seen many people die in front of me," she mentioned, glaring at him as she held onto the stake. 

damon chuckled lightly, shaking his head as he stood quiet. "why are you always cold and mean to everyone, but not me?" natalie asked, dropping the stake next to her. the man stood quiet, closing his eyes as he sighed. "your brother is here," he said, changing the subject. "you should get going." natalie's lips curved into a small frown, looking away and getting up off of the ground. 

"thanks for the ride. and the drink," she told him, before leaving the room and leaving damon on the floor to bleed. natalie looked around and saw that stefan was nowhere to be found. she sighed, walking towards the door and opening it, seeing her brother about to knock on the door. "how'd you know i was - nevermind, let's get going," ian stated, taking his sister's wrist and yanking her out of the salvatore residence. she managed to close the door behind her, following her brother to the car so they could be on their way home. 

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the next day, she was sitting in her seat in her history class, doodling in her notebook with her pen. it was usually just to past time, and lately she's been finding herself doodling more often in her classes. tyler hasn't spoken to her, and neither has her friends since the night vicki died. besides bonnie, the two have been in contact with each other ever since caroline's way of getting the necklace back. natalie could've also confronted damon about the necklace, but to be completely honest, she wasn't thinking about the necklace.

the bell rang throughout the building, and bonnie rushed in the room. natalie lifted her head up, and gave the witch a kind smile. bonnie returned a small one, sitting down in her seat. 

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