Reunions (Part One)

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6:00 am the alarm sounds
Millie opens her eyes, sets off the alarm and jumps out of bed
- Table Read !!!
While doing her morning routine she talks to the guys on Skype (Noah, Finn, Sadie, Caleb and Gaten)
- I'm very excited to work together again guys I miss you- Sadie says while having breakfast
- I'm half an hour away, I'll see you in a while-
  Noah as he gets in the car

7:30 am
David wakes up from a deep sleep, the previous night he could barely sleep, he was spinning in bed, he loves this shows and his character, so he was excited to go back to work with the whole cast and see what the new season had in store for Hopper.
He opened his eyes to check the time on his phone
- Shit!
He rushed into bath and dressed with some random clothes he had packed since he was staying in a hotel room
- I'm so gonna be late for this. The Duffers are going to kill me. Fuck!
David left in a hurry, got in his car and headed for the set, with any luck and no traffic jam he would be on time.

Upon entering the room he sees familiar faces and some new cast members. The set was joy and laughter, working with the children was great but David enjoyed the company of his co-star whom he had not seen yet, while looking for her he feels a slap on his back.
- What's up big guy?
He turns to see Joe, he loves this boy (Steve on the show) although for a moment he thought it might be someone else.
- Hey! - He says while laughing- What's up kid?
- I missed you man - Joe says, he's so happy to see him
- Yeah I know you love me Joe, just don't start drooling- He laughs and rubs Joe's head- I'll go grab some coffee I'll catch up with you later ok?  
David goes to the coffee machine in the studio and fills the cup. He was really tired maybe this would help.
- Looks like someone had a rough night.
That voice, he missed that sweet voice, now without all the background noise from the SAG awards where he last saw her about a month ago. Finally he turned to see a giggling Winona.
- Hey, I uh.. I was looking for you, I thought you weren't coming- David says as he draws her into a hug.
- I was talking to the Duffers, apparently we will be shooting for a few weeks in Lithuania- Winona seems to like this idea.
- Really? I mean this is great! Those guys scared the hell out of  me, I thought I wouldn't be working on the series anymore when I read the script for the third season
- Yeah, well, I thought I would have to film again with lamps as co-stars- Says Winona in a teasing way.
They both laugh and it feels so familiar.
- I'm glad I'm back.- David has the biggest smile on his face- Anyway, is the whole cast coming to Lithuania?
- Apparently it's just Brett and the two of us, maybe some new characters, I actually haven't read the script yet.

Millie comes running towards them and hugs David whom she had not seen.
-Hey Kiddo!- David hugs her
-Come on, you really have to read the script- Millie always seems to have the same energy.
-Are you exited about the new season?- David asks her but before she could say something Noah shows up out of nowhere.
-Dude, you're getting to kiss your life crush! We're finally getting Jopper!- Noah says really excited and unaware of Winona's presence.
Millie elbows him and points at Winona with her eyes. Winona knew that she was David's crush when he was younger, this wasn't surprising news, in fact he mentioned this in some interviews, they just never talked about this topic between them. David seemed a little embarrassed though.
-Ups.. hmm.. hi Noni! Didn't see you there-  Noah says in a somewhat embarrassed tone- Come on Mills, the guys are waiting for us.
-Ok well that wasn't awkward at all- David clearly says ironically
-Come on we should go meet the others too- Winona says trying to avoid the awkward moment.
And so they go sit and finally read the script.

Well, here's the first part of the first chapter, it seemed a bit long to me so I decided to split it, please let me know your thoughts in the comments, I will update the other chapters as soon as possible ;) 🚬🖤

𝐂𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦 (𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚊~𝙹𝚘𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚛)Where stories live. Discover now